Senate revives amnesty: Here's how to stop it
Let Senate know how you feel about illegal immigration
Here's a letter from Joseph Farah to help combat those who would undermine the United States:
"The No Amnesty Pledge."
Dear Senator:
This is more than a letter of protest of efforts to provide amnesty for tens of millions of illegal immigrants currently residing in the U.S. It's a promise of a vote against any senator who supports such a plan.
It's a promise of financial support to candidates opposing any senator who supports such a plan.
It's a promise to expose this betrayal of the rule of law and the will of the people to the constituents of any senator who approves such legislation.
It's a promise to use any legal means necessary to thwart the future ambitions and aspirations of any senator who chooses to reward lawbreakers and punish law-keepers.
It's a promise to fight tooth and nail, even resorting to peaceful civil disobedience if necessary, to ensure that such legislation can never be carried out.
I don't expect you to read all of the "No Amnesty Pledge" letters currently flooding into your office. All you have to do is read one – and notice the volume of duplicate letters you are receiving, all sent by different American citizens who are thinking about this issue just as I am.
Frankly, we're concerned that what is being considered by the U.S. Senate would tear this country apart, break trust between the people and government and forever change the character of our nation and our communities.
Vote no on amnesty – or else!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Riot police shield Obama from tea-party grandmas
When hundreds of tea-party protesters – including many elderly women – gathered outside a civic center where President Obama was giving a public speech Wednesday, they were surprised to be greeted by police dispatched in full riot gear. Snipers carefully scrutinized grandmothers singing "God Bless America."
Find out the latest right now at
Find out the latest right now at
Biracial woman discriminates against Jews
Angela commented on Interracial marriage is unnatural!
Discrimination from Jews always stuns me. You'd think a people with thousands of years of playing the victim to such discrimination would have changed the way you look at other people. I am in biracial woman, and I've been involved with a Jewish man for three years. It's a beautiful; relationship and I embrace his culture and history. This sort of hatred really hurts me. Your faith suffers from blind dogma. You really should wipe the crust from your eyes.
First of all, where's the discrimination? Facts discriminate? Why do you hate the plain truth of the Bible and history? Furthermore, I'm a Christian Zionist. Why your discrimination by singling out Jews? Is Mohammad Ali a Jew? How about Napoleon Bonaparte or any of the others quoted? Sounds like you have some serious issues with Jews by your hateful comment about Jews playing the victim. You sound confused because you say you're in a relationship with a Jew.
Your relationship blinds you to what you don't want to see: interracial marriage is unnatural and according to the Bible - both the Christian and Jewish holy books - constitutes sin. As far as your particular case goes, God knows who you should be with but generally speaking each race must naturally go with its own or they're committing adultery and causing unncessary confusion.
(I'm emailing you this response because often when I approve a comment I see it still doesn't show up.)
The Sin of Interracial Marriage
Discrimination from Jews always stuns me. You'd think a people with thousands of years of playing the victim to such discrimination would have changed the way you look at other people. I am in biracial woman, and I've been involved with a Jewish man for three years. It's a beautiful; relationship and I embrace his culture and history. This sort of hatred really hurts me. Your faith suffers from blind dogma. You really should wipe the crust from your eyes.
First of all, where's the discrimination? Facts discriminate? Why do you hate the plain truth of the Bible and history? Furthermore, I'm a Christian Zionist. Why your discrimination by singling out Jews? Is Mohammad Ali a Jew? How about Napoleon Bonaparte or any of the others quoted? Sounds like you have some serious issues with Jews by your hateful comment about Jews playing the victim. You sound confused because you say you're in a relationship with a Jew.
Your relationship blinds you to what you don't want to see: interracial marriage is unnatural and according to the Bible - both the Christian and Jewish holy books - constitutes sin. As far as your particular case goes, God knows who you should be with but generally speaking each race must naturally go with its own or they're committing adultery and causing unncessary confusion.
(I'm emailing you this response because often when I approve a comment I see it still doesn't show up.)
The Sin of Interracial Marriage
Thursday, April 29, 2010
A Road to Peace Between the Children of Abraham...
Originally published in Blogcritics Magazine, 28 April 2010
Copyright © R. Kossover, 2010
The news out of the Middle East these days is not very heartening or happy. Rumors are flying that there will be a war this summer or next. The mood here is dark and foreboding, with folks waiting for the other missile shoe to drop. There are stories like this one, detailing how Iran is getting hold of enriched uranium, or this story, detailing how the American head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff refuses to say that Americans won't shoot down IDF jets flying on a raid over Iran. With a "friend" like that, who needs enemies? The war rumors are backed up by a think tank predicting war, and previous experience has indicated that Israel is just not prepared for the kind of missile assault it suffered in 2006. In addition, there are the threats and counter-threats from Israel and Syria each warning that the other will be sent back to the Stone Age, or some other prehistoric era.
Click here to continue reading
Copyright © R. Kossover, 2010
The news out of the Middle East these days is not very heartening or happy. Rumors are flying that there will be a war this summer or next. The mood here is dark and foreboding, with folks waiting for the other missile shoe to drop. There are stories like this one, detailing how Iran is getting hold of enriched uranium, or this story, detailing how the American head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff refuses to say that Americans won't shoot down IDF jets flying on a raid over Iran. With a "friend" like that, who needs enemies? The war rumors are backed up by a think tank predicting war, and previous experience has indicated that Israel is just not prepared for the kind of missile assault it suffered in 2006. In addition, there are the threats and counter-threats from Israel and Syria each warning that the other will be sent back to the Stone Age, or some other prehistoric era.
Click here to continue reading
Open Europe press summary: 29 April 2010
German Economy Minister: Greek bailout to top €135bn;
Poll: 65% of Germans are against bailout
Fears that Greece's debt crisis may spread across the eurozone were raised yesterday, when credit rating agency Standard and Poor's downgraded Spain's rating, and the head of the OECD Angel GurrÃa said: "It's not a question of the danger of contagion; contagion has already happened. This is like Ebola. When you realise you have it you have to cut your leg off in order to survive."
Spiegel reports that German Economy Minister Rainer Brüderle said the rescue package could be as much as €135 billion over three years, but added "I can't rule out the possibility that the amount will be higher." Jürgen Trittin, parliamentary leader of the Green party, said that two thirds of the full Greek requirement over three years would have to be met by the eurozone member states, with a contribution from Germany of at least €16bn. However writing in the Telegraph, Edmund Conway argues that, assuming Greece needs around €100bn over the next few years, the IMF can only provide a maximum of €20bn.
On the costs to the German taxpayer, German Finance Minister Wolfang Schauble is quoted by FAZ saying "We hope it will cost nothing, because what we are doing is making credit available so that Greece can remain solvent". However, the Telegraph quotes Hans-Werner Sinn, head of the IFO economic institute, saying that Greece is likely to eventually "ask for Germany to waive the debt." Asked if taxpayers would ever get their money back, he said, "To tell you the truth, no."
PA reports that German Chancellor Angela Merkel said last night she would only commit to the bailout if Greece undertook further austerity measures. However, Andreas Loverdos, Greece's labour minister, has said that they "cannot accept" EU-IMF demands for further wages cuts.
Mr Trichet said that his "working assumption" was that the negotiations in Athens on the bailout would be finished "within two days, or during the weekend", and the FT reports that Germany and France are planning to hold parliamentary votes next week on the rescue package.
The Guardian reports that Merkel added that it had been a mistake to allow Greece to join the eurozone: "It turned out that the decision [in favour] may not have been scrutinised closely enough" she said.
There is widespread opposition to the bailout in Germany and a new poll in FAZ shows that only16% of Germans support the Greek aid package, while 65% are against it. When asked whether they had confidence in the euro, 32% said they did, down from 44% last year, while 45% said they had "slight confidence" in the euro.
Bloomberg reports that economists at JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc have warned that Europe may need to provide as much as €600bn if they are to stamp out the eurozone's fiscal crisis, and quotes David Mackie, Chief European Economist at JPMorgan in London: "It may now be time for the euro area to do something much more dramatic in order to prevent the stress from creating another broad-based financial crisis which pushes the region back into recession."
A leader on the front page of FAZ argues: "the economic consequences of a failure of the monetary union - which appears likely now - can not be calculated, this is all the more true for the EU as a whole. Nobody should have illusions what consequences this will have for the overall mechanics of the European compromise machine."
IHT FT Telegraph City AM City AM 2 Irish Independent BBC EUobserver Today programme Bloomberg FT: Rachman blog Telegraph 2 Telegraph 3 FT: Barber European Voice: Editorial FT 2 EUobserver 2 Telegraph 4 Telegraph 5 Telegraph: Conway Guardian Irish Times Irish Times 2 Irish Times 3 Irish Times 4 IHT Express: McKinstry Mail Spectator: Coffee House blog Guardian 2 Guardian 3 Express Guardian 4 WSJ WSJ: Analysis Guardian 5 Independent Independent 2 Independent 3 Independent 4 FAZ Stern Deutsche Welle Die Welt FTD Spiegel Les Echos Nouvel Obs Le Figaro Les Echos Il Sole 24 Ore Focus Trouw Reuters Kathimerini El Pais Spiegel Focus Telegraph FT 3 EurActiv OE blog Times: Leader FT: Leader Guardian: Leader Guardian: Elliott Independent: Prosser Die Welt Spiegel
Commission to propose majority voting on member states' budgets
European Voice reports that on 12 May the Commission is to propose a big advance in EU co-ordination of euro zone national economic policies. Proposals will include the creation of a "permanent crisis resolution mechanism" to handle any future Greek-like scenario, offering financial support through bilateral loans from other eurozone countries, with lending conditions fixed in advance. They will also include a toughening up of the stability and growth pact - through the application of sanctions, such as withholding EU structural funds - and mutual reviews of draft budgets.
EU Monetary Affairs Commissioner Olli Rehn will propose that eurozone finance ministers vote by qualified majority on whether draft national budgets are in line with EU economic guidelines and rules on fiscal discipline, though it is unclear what would happen if eurozone leaders voted against a national budget. The eurozone would also adopt recommendations about what should be in countries' budgets.
Handelsblatt European Voice
Irish Foreign Minister forgets official EU line on debt restructuring for Greece
EU President Herman Van Rompuy insisted yesterday that debt restructuring for Greece was "out of the question" and Commission President José Manuel Barroso said it was "not an option". The Guardian reports that British banks have an estimated combined exposure of £25bn to Greece and £75bn to Spain. The exposure of French and German banks to Greece is much greater at £52.5bn and £29.5bn respectively.
The Times reports that the Irish government has disowned comments from Foreign Minister Micheál Martin, supporting the idea of Greek debt restructuring. Mr Martin said that restructuring was "a legitimate initiative that they may in time have to take". Writing in the paper Bronwen Maddox argues: "The rescheduling of Greece's debt, which now seems all but inevitable, could shake banks in France, Switzerland and Germany. It could trigger a flight from Portuguese and even Spanish debt, hitting British banks hard."
Writing in the FT, Jean Pisani-Ferry and Andre Sapir from the Bruegel think-tank argue that, "Given the likelihood of debt restructuring down the road, it should waste no time in designing a European debt resolution mechanism to help members with unsustainable debt to resolve it with their creditors in an orderly way."
FT: Pisani-Ferry and Andre Sapir Times FT Times: Maddox Guardian WSJ 2 Mail
Based on an investigation by Open Europe, the Express challenged Nick Clegg to explain whether he made a personal profit on selling the Brussels house he owned from 2001 to 2005, while receiving taxpayer-funded accommodation allowances whilst he was an MEP.
Cameron: "I won't take us into the euro"
The Express reports that David Cameron yesterday accused Labour and the Liberal Democrats of plotting to scrap the pound and taking the UK into the euro. He is quoted saying, "The Conservatives have a very clear policy on this. If I am, and as long as I am, your Prime Minister I won't take us into the euro." He also argued that "If we were in the euro, our taxes would be taken to bail out Greece".
Meanwhile, in an interview with the FT Gordon Brown, when asked whether the Greek crisis has hardened his feelings towards the euro, said: "We will not be joining the euro in the immediate future, let's put it like that."
The Telegraph reports that Nick Clegg believes that "the British remain hostile towards the European Union because of their nostalgia for days of empire", and that joining the EU "was a kind of admission of weakness" for the UK. The article predicts that "his comments are likely to anger voters who dislike the EU because of its interference in British laws, red tape and lack of accountability".
Martine Aubry: the future of Europe is questionable
Reuters reports that Martine Aubry, the leader of the French Socialist party, said yesterday that the crisis in Greece has drawn into question the future of Europe and that Europe needs to strengthen itself if it is to not disappear. She is quoted saying, "We are all extremely concerned because beyond Greece, it is the future of Europe which is at stake". She also stressed the need to accelerate global financial regulation, saying "Europe must be behind Obama to regulate the financial system, otherwise we will have another Greece tomorrow and Europe will go off radar."
Reuters NouvelObs
UK's contribution to EU set to rise in 2011 as Commission proposes 6 percent budget increase
The Mail reports that the European Commission's draft for the 2011 EU budget will see a six percent increase, pushing the budget up by £7billion to £114billion. The article notes that the UK is the second highest net contributor to the budget this year, paying in £7.6billion. This will increase by an extra £450million if the budget increase is approved by member states and the European Parliament.
Spanish EU Presidency looks to bring forward AIFM Directive negotiations
European Voice reports that Spain, which holds the EU's rotating Presidency, is looking to speed up talks on the EU's proposed Directive to regulate hedge funds and private equity managers (AIFM Directive). Spain wants to put discussion of the proposal to a meeting of finance ministers on 18 May, bringing forward the previously planned date of 8 June. The article notes that diplomats have suggested that the accelerated timetable reflects Spanish concerns about its Presidency's record.
European Voice Telegraph: Hannan blog Open Europe research Open Europe blog
Ex-Commissioners take up posts at Ryanair and RBS
The Irish Independent notes that ex-Internal Market Commissioner Charlie McCreevy accepted a job at airline Ryanair over a month before he formally stepped down from his EU post. The EU's Code of Conduct obliges former Commissioners undertaking a new job within a year of leaving office to "behave with integrity and discretion as regards the acceptance...of certain appointments or benefits". Last month, Air France launched a major legal battle against Ryanair, accusing it of receiving €660m a year in subsidies, in violation of EU state aid rules.
Meanwhile, EUobserver notes that former Industry Commissioner Günter Verhuegen has taken a job with the Royal Bank of Scotland.
Irish Independent European Voice EUobserver
Nieuwsblad Transport reports that a "lobby war" has emerged against the EU's CO2 limit for company vans, with producers calling for a delay in implementation.
Nieuwsblad Transport
The WSJ notes that a legal adviser for the European Court of Justice is expected to hand down a crucial opinion today, affecting EU competition cases, on whether privacy rules on correspondence between lawyers and clients applies to in-house as well as external lawyers.
EurActiv report that according to "insiders", the EU's 'Reflection Group' (known as the 'wise men group') have chosen to work with "privacy, not secrecy". They are due to present their report which will identify the key issues which the European Union is likely to face in the future and how these might be addressed on 9 May.
NRC Handelsblad reports that EU Foreign Minister Catherine Ashton has sent a letter in German to the German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle on the use of German in the EU diplomatic service, pointing out that diplomats abroad will not be obliged to be able to speak German.
NRC Handelsblad
Open Europe is an independent think tank campaigning for radical reform of the EU. For information on our research, events and other activities, please visit our website: or call us on 0207 197 2333.
German Economy Minister: Greek bailout to top €135bn;
Poll: 65% of Germans are against bailout
Fears that Greece's debt crisis may spread across the eurozone were raised yesterday, when credit rating agency Standard and Poor's downgraded Spain's rating, and the head of the OECD Angel GurrÃa said: "It's not a question of the danger of contagion; contagion has already happened. This is like Ebola. When you realise you have it you have to cut your leg off in order to survive."
Spiegel reports that German Economy Minister Rainer Brüderle said the rescue package could be as much as €135 billion over three years, but added "I can't rule out the possibility that the amount will be higher." Jürgen Trittin, parliamentary leader of the Green party, said that two thirds of the full Greek requirement over three years would have to be met by the eurozone member states, with a contribution from Germany of at least €16bn. However writing in the Telegraph, Edmund Conway argues that, assuming Greece needs around €100bn over the next few years, the IMF can only provide a maximum of €20bn.
On the costs to the German taxpayer, German Finance Minister Wolfang Schauble is quoted by FAZ saying "We hope it will cost nothing, because what we are doing is making credit available so that Greece can remain solvent". However, the Telegraph quotes Hans-Werner Sinn, head of the IFO economic institute, saying that Greece is likely to eventually "ask for Germany to waive the debt." Asked if taxpayers would ever get their money back, he said, "To tell you the truth, no."
PA reports that German Chancellor Angela Merkel said last night she would only commit to the bailout if Greece undertook further austerity measures. However, Andreas Loverdos, Greece's labour minister, has said that they "cannot accept" EU-IMF demands for further wages cuts.
Mr Trichet said that his "working assumption" was that the negotiations in Athens on the bailout would be finished "within two days, or during the weekend", and the FT reports that Germany and France are planning to hold parliamentary votes next week on the rescue package.
The Guardian reports that Merkel added that it had been a mistake to allow Greece to join the eurozone: "It turned out that the decision [in favour] may not have been scrutinised closely enough" she said.
There is widespread opposition to the bailout in Germany and a new poll in FAZ shows that only16% of Germans support the Greek aid package, while 65% are against it. When asked whether they had confidence in the euro, 32% said they did, down from 44% last year, while 45% said they had "slight confidence" in the euro.
Bloomberg reports that economists at JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc have warned that Europe may need to provide as much as €600bn if they are to stamp out the eurozone's fiscal crisis, and quotes David Mackie, Chief European Economist at JPMorgan in London: "It may now be time for the euro area to do something much more dramatic in order to prevent the stress from creating another broad-based financial crisis which pushes the region back into recession."
A leader on the front page of FAZ argues: "the economic consequences of a failure of the monetary union - which appears likely now - can not be calculated, this is all the more true for the EU as a whole. Nobody should have illusions what consequences this will have for the overall mechanics of the European compromise machine."
IHT FT Telegraph City AM City AM 2 Irish Independent BBC EUobserver Today programme Bloomberg FT: Rachman blog Telegraph 2 Telegraph 3 FT: Barber European Voice: Editorial FT 2 EUobserver 2 Telegraph 4 Telegraph 5 Telegraph: Conway Guardian Irish Times Irish Times 2 Irish Times 3 Irish Times 4 IHT Express: McKinstry Mail Spectator: Coffee House blog Guardian 2 Guardian 3 Express Guardian 4 WSJ WSJ: Analysis Guardian 5 Independent Independent 2 Independent 3 Independent 4 FAZ Stern Deutsche Welle Die Welt FTD Spiegel Les Echos Nouvel Obs Le Figaro Les Echos Il Sole 24 Ore Focus Trouw Reuters Kathimerini El Pais Spiegel Focus Telegraph FT 3 EurActiv OE blog Times: Leader FT: Leader Guardian: Leader Guardian: Elliott Independent: Prosser Die Welt Spiegel
Commission to propose majority voting on member states' budgets
European Voice reports that on 12 May the Commission is to propose a big advance in EU co-ordination of euro zone national economic policies. Proposals will include the creation of a "permanent crisis resolution mechanism" to handle any future Greek-like scenario, offering financial support through bilateral loans from other eurozone countries, with lending conditions fixed in advance. They will also include a toughening up of the stability and growth pact - through the application of sanctions, such as withholding EU structural funds - and mutual reviews of draft budgets.
EU Monetary Affairs Commissioner Olli Rehn will propose that eurozone finance ministers vote by qualified majority on whether draft national budgets are in line with EU economic guidelines and rules on fiscal discipline, though it is unclear what would happen if eurozone leaders voted against a national budget. The eurozone would also adopt recommendations about what should be in countries' budgets.
Handelsblatt European Voice
Irish Foreign Minister forgets official EU line on debt restructuring for Greece
EU President Herman Van Rompuy insisted yesterday that debt restructuring for Greece was "out of the question" and Commission President José Manuel Barroso said it was "not an option". The Guardian reports that British banks have an estimated combined exposure of £25bn to Greece and £75bn to Spain. The exposure of French and German banks to Greece is much greater at £52.5bn and £29.5bn respectively.
The Times reports that the Irish government has disowned comments from Foreign Minister Micheál Martin, supporting the idea of Greek debt restructuring. Mr Martin said that restructuring was "a legitimate initiative that they may in time have to take". Writing in the paper Bronwen Maddox argues: "The rescheduling of Greece's debt, which now seems all but inevitable, could shake banks in France, Switzerland and Germany. It could trigger a flight from Portuguese and even Spanish debt, hitting British banks hard."
Writing in the FT, Jean Pisani-Ferry and Andre Sapir from the Bruegel think-tank argue that, "Given the likelihood of debt restructuring down the road, it should waste no time in designing a European debt resolution mechanism to help members with unsustainable debt to resolve it with their creditors in an orderly way."
FT: Pisani-Ferry and Andre Sapir Times FT Times: Maddox Guardian WSJ 2 Mail
Based on an investigation by Open Europe, the Express challenged Nick Clegg to explain whether he made a personal profit on selling the Brussels house he owned from 2001 to 2005, while receiving taxpayer-funded accommodation allowances whilst he was an MEP.
Cameron: "I won't take us into the euro"
The Express reports that David Cameron yesterday accused Labour and the Liberal Democrats of plotting to scrap the pound and taking the UK into the euro. He is quoted saying, "The Conservatives have a very clear policy on this. If I am, and as long as I am, your Prime Minister I won't take us into the euro." He also argued that "If we were in the euro, our taxes would be taken to bail out Greece".
Meanwhile, in an interview with the FT Gordon Brown, when asked whether the Greek crisis has hardened his feelings towards the euro, said: "We will not be joining the euro in the immediate future, let's put it like that."
The Telegraph reports that Nick Clegg believes that "the British remain hostile towards the European Union because of their nostalgia for days of empire", and that joining the EU "was a kind of admission of weakness" for the UK. The article predicts that "his comments are likely to anger voters who dislike the EU because of its interference in British laws, red tape and lack of accountability".
Martine Aubry: the future of Europe is questionable
Reuters reports that Martine Aubry, the leader of the French Socialist party, said yesterday that the crisis in Greece has drawn into question the future of Europe and that Europe needs to strengthen itself if it is to not disappear. She is quoted saying, "We are all extremely concerned because beyond Greece, it is the future of Europe which is at stake". She also stressed the need to accelerate global financial regulation, saying "Europe must be behind Obama to regulate the financial system, otherwise we will have another Greece tomorrow and Europe will go off radar."
Reuters NouvelObs
UK's contribution to EU set to rise in 2011 as Commission proposes 6 percent budget increase
The Mail reports that the European Commission's draft for the 2011 EU budget will see a six percent increase, pushing the budget up by £7billion to £114billion. The article notes that the UK is the second highest net contributor to the budget this year, paying in £7.6billion. This will increase by an extra £450million if the budget increase is approved by member states and the European Parliament.
Spanish EU Presidency looks to bring forward AIFM Directive negotiations
European Voice reports that Spain, which holds the EU's rotating Presidency, is looking to speed up talks on the EU's proposed Directive to regulate hedge funds and private equity managers (AIFM Directive). Spain wants to put discussion of the proposal to a meeting of finance ministers on 18 May, bringing forward the previously planned date of 8 June. The article notes that diplomats have suggested that the accelerated timetable reflects Spanish concerns about its Presidency's record.
European Voice Telegraph: Hannan blog Open Europe research Open Europe blog
Ex-Commissioners take up posts at Ryanair and RBS
The Irish Independent notes that ex-Internal Market Commissioner Charlie McCreevy accepted a job at airline Ryanair over a month before he formally stepped down from his EU post. The EU's Code of Conduct obliges former Commissioners undertaking a new job within a year of leaving office to "behave with integrity and discretion as regards the acceptance...of certain appointments or benefits". Last month, Air France launched a major legal battle against Ryanair, accusing it of receiving €660m a year in subsidies, in violation of EU state aid rules.
Meanwhile, EUobserver notes that former Industry Commissioner Günter Verhuegen has taken a job with the Royal Bank of Scotland.
Irish Independent European Voice EUobserver
DPA reports that the European Commission hopes to have electrical vehicle safety standards outlined by the end of 2010.
FT EUobserver DPA NouvelObs
An article in Deutsche Welle comments that "EU agricultural subsidies are falling into the wrong hands". It notes how the largest share goes to big companies and that the top three beneficiaries in Germany are industrial giants Nordmilch, Südzucker and Pfeifer und Langen.
Nieuwsblad Transport reports that a "lobby war" has emerged against the EU's CO2 limit for company vans, with producers calling for a delay in implementation.
Nieuwsblad Transport
The WSJ notes that a legal adviser for the European Court of Justice is expected to hand down a crucial opinion today, affecting EU competition cases, on whether privacy rules on correspondence between lawyers and clients applies to in-house as well as external lawyers.
EurActiv report that according to "insiders", the EU's 'Reflection Group' (known as the 'wise men group') have chosen to work with "privacy, not secrecy". They are due to present their report which will identify the key issues which the European Union is likely to face in the future and how these might be addressed on 9 May.
NRC Handelsblad reports that EU Foreign Minister Catherine Ashton has sent a letter in German to the German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle on the use of German in the EU diplomatic service, pointing out that diplomats abroad will not be obliged to be able to speak German.
NRC Handelsblad
Open Europe is an independent think tank campaigning for radical reform of the EU. For information on our research, events and other activities, please visit our website: or call us on 0207 197 2333.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
How Catholic Teachings About Jews Paved the Road to the Holocaust
Gabriel Wilensky commented on The Real Vatican Scandal -
Pedophilia is just the latest and most visible in a long list of transgressions from the Catholic Church. These days the Vatican is facing legal action in Kentucky for child abuse cases by Catholic priests, and the ensuing cover up from the Catholic hierarchy including, allegedly, by Cardinal Ratzinger (today’s Pope Benedict).
I believe attorneys could and should widen the scope to include previous transgressions, particularly those that lead to the commitment of heinous crimes during the Holocaust. In my book “Six Million Crucifixions” I make a legal analysis of the various counts a potential indictment against the Church, the Vatican and members of the clergy might have looked like, had the Allies set up an international trial styled after Nuremberg and put any clergy guilty of crimes on the dock. In particular, an indictment might have included the following charges:
* Defamation
* Incitement
* Complicity in human rights violations
* Accessory or complicity in crimes against humanity
* Failure to warn/act
* Obstruction of Justice
* Profiting from stolen property
* Abuse of diplomatic privileges
* Crimes against humanity
I think it’s time to revisit the role of the Church in the Holocaust and its aftermath, and do it quickly as Pope Benedict is attempting to whitewash history by canonizing Pope Pius XII, while the Vatican Secret Archives covering the Nazi era remain closed and will continue to remain closed for another five years.
Gabriel Wilensky
Six Million Crucifixions: How Christian Teachings About Jews Paved the Road to the Holocaust
David Ben-Ariel responds:
It would be more accurate to say "How Catholic Teachings About Jews Paved the Road to the Holocaust" rather than Christian, unless you want to continue the blood libel against Christianity. Furthermore, why perpetuate the big lie of "Six Million" when it's a fact that number was concocted before Hitler's War and mindlessly repeated after the war by clever propagandists and how this truth is suppressed by politically correct cultists today?
Jewish and Christian Blood Libels
Yom HaShoah: Happy Holocaust Day?
Did Jesus Call Jews the Children of the Devil?
Synagogue of Satan?
Pedophilia is just the latest and most visible in a long list of transgressions from the Catholic Church. These days the Vatican is facing legal action in Kentucky for child abuse cases by Catholic priests, and the ensuing cover up from the Catholic hierarchy including, allegedly, by Cardinal Ratzinger (today’s Pope Benedict).
I believe attorneys could and should widen the scope to include previous transgressions, particularly those that lead to the commitment of heinous crimes during the Holocaust. In my book “Six Million Crucifixions” I make a legal analysis of the various counts a potential indictment against the Church, the Vatican and members of the clergy might have looked like, had the Allies set up an international trial styled after Nuremberg and put any clergy guilty of crimes on the dock. In particular, an indictment might have included the following charges:
* Defamation
* Incitement
* Complicity in human rights violations
* Accessory or complicity in crimes against humanity
* Failure to warn/act
* Obstruction of Justice
* Profiting from stolen property
* Abuse of diplomatic privileges
* Crimes against humanity
I think it’s time to revisit the role of the Church in the Holocaust and its aftermath, and do it quickly as Pope Benedict is attempting to whitewash history by canonizing Pope Pius XII, while the Vatican Secret Archives covering the Nazi era remain closed and will continue to remain closed for another five years.
Gabriel Wilensky
Six Million Crucifixions: How Christian Teachings About Jews Paved the Road to the Holocaust
David Ben-Ariel responds:
It would be more accurate to say "How Catholic Teachings About Jews Paved the Road to the Holocaust" rather than Christian, unless you want to continue the blood libel against Christianity. Furthermore, why perpetuate the big lie of "Six Million" when it's a fact that number was concocted before Hitler's War and mindlessly repeated after the war by clever propagandists and how this truth is suppressed by politically correct cultists today?
Jewish and Christian Blood Libels
Yom HaShoah: Happy Holocaust Day?
Did Jesus Call Jews the Children of the Devil?
Synagogue of Satan?
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Review of Cracking the Qur'an Code by Fazal ur Rehman Afridi
Cracking the Qur’an Code: God’s Land, Torah and People Covenants with Israel in the Qur’an and Islamic Tradition, by Lowell Gallin, is a fascinating spiritual journey through good and evil, with all the real actors, places, and situations depicted in such a manner as if a reader is a part of that journey starting from Noah, through Ibrahim to Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David, Solomon, Jesus and ending with Muhammad.
Read more:
Review of Cracking the Qur'an Code by Fazal ur Rehman Afridi
Read more:
Review of Cracking the Qur'an Code by Fazal ur Rehman Afridi
When will whites look after OUR interests?
APRIL 27, 2010
PRUDEN: It's time to play the race card
Race-baiting never goes out of style. Only the races and the baiters change.
The Kenyan, the president usurper, the fraud and foreigner Obama/Soetoro/Obama, was elected (other than by ACORN swindling) by pimping his half-breed race, which was popular among non-whites and whites suffering from the politically correct imposed "white guilt." It's past time people of white color look after OUR interests, without apology, and put the unclean kind of Hussein Obama back in their place.
PRUDEN: It's time to play the race card
Race-baiting never goes out of style. Only the races and the baiters change.
The Kenyan, the president usurper, the fraud and foreigner Obama/Soetoro/Obama, was elected (other than by ACORN swindling) by pimping his half-breed race, which was popular among non-whites and whites suffering from the politically correct imposed "white guilt." It's past time people of white color look after OUR interests, without apology, and put the unclean kind of Hussein Obama back in their place.
New South Africa
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- Oppasser laat glo baba-aanrander in
- My patriotisme het doodgegaan
- SA family seeks 'repatriation' to Netherlands
- Baba se aanranding skok die hele land
- Boeremag-lede wil verhoor word as ‘krygsgevangenes’
- [Video] Stop the Boer genocide! Demonstration in Stockholm
- Genocide Watch: South African Boers at risk of Genocide, Politicide, or Mass Atrocities in 2010
- 'Stop the boer genocide'
- Staat vra dat 2 wat doodskiet lewenslank kry
Monday, April 26, 2010
The Real Vatican Scandal
By Gerald Flurry
The Roman Catholic Church is mired in a pedophilia scandal in several nations. However, there is a far worse scandal in that church that we all should be deeply concerned about. Most of the media is not even exposing it.
Here is an oppressively disturbing report by Allan Hall in the Mail Online, March 12: “Germany is fighting to keep files sealed that detail Adolf Eichmann’s life on the run before he was captured by Mossad agents and tried for war crimes in Israel.
“Documents about the Holocaust’s chief logistics organizer’s escape from Europe and 15-year-exile in Argentina are currently bound by a 50-year secrecy order.
By Gerald Flurry
The Roman Catholic Church is mired in a pedophilia scandal in several nations. However, there is a far worse scandal in that church that we all should be deeply concerned about. Most of the media is not even exposing it.
Some people believe that we are too critical of the Catholic Church at times. So let me make this very clear: We believe that God is going to save most Catholics and most members of other religions. But God is going to do it in His own time frame. That is easily provable from the Bible.
Here is an oppressively disturbing report by Allan Hall in the Mail Online, March 12: “Germany is fighting to keep files sealed that detail Adolf Eichmann’s life on the run before he was captured by Mossad agents and tried for war crimes in Israel.
“Documents about the Holocaust’s chief logistics organizer’s escape from Europe and 15-year-exile in Argentina are currently bound by a 50-year secrecy order.
“But campaigners challenging the rule say the Eichmann files may prove German and Vatican officials colluded in his escape and freedom.
“The secrecy order is being fought in a benchmark court case against the bnd, Germany’s domestic intelligence service, which wants the 4,500 pages of documents on Adolf Eichmann to remain out of the public domain.
“They cite that intelligence agencies in our countries will be ‘frightened off’ in future data-sharing if they are revealed.
“Critics believe this is a smokescreen designed to avoid official embarrassment both in Berlin and the Vatican.
“It is well documented that German Bishop Alois Hudal in Rome operated postwar ‘ratlines,’ getting passports for wanted Nazis to allow them to escape justice.
“Franz Stangl, commandant of the Treblinka extermination camp, admitted to British Nazi expert Gitta Sereny that Hudal helped him get away after the defeat of Germany in 1945.
“Eichmann also escaped. He was the ultimate ‘desk murderer’ in the Third Reich who, as head of department IVB4 of the SS in Berlin, was responsible for the trains that carried millions to their deaths at extermination centers in Nazi-occupied Poland.
“After the war he was captured but fled from Allied custody. …
“For 15 years he lived, sometimes under his own name, in Argentina, raising his family while working at a VW car plant.
“In 1960, acting on a tip-off, a Mossad team was dispatched to Buenos Aires with orders to kidnap him and bring him back to Israel for trial.
“He was seized, stood trial, found guilty and hanged on May 31, 1962.
“Now the Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig, Germany, is studying the files about his getaway from Europe and life in Argentina to decide if they should be made public. …
“But critics believe what the files will really reveal are the levels of assistance, succor and turning a blind eye to Nazi fugitives from officials in defeated Germany, together with details of Vatican assistance to top war criminals like Eichmann. …
“It is well known that the German Embassy in Buenos Aires issued German passports to Eichmann and his family in their real names when they applied for them.
“The same went for Dr. Josef Mengele, the infamous medic of the Auschwitz extermination camp” (emphasis mine throughout).
If you want to know who Germany, America and Britain are in Bible prophecy, request our book The United States and Britain in Prophecy. All of our literature is free.
The Ratlines
Trumpet readers are well aware that in December 1991, Germany decided to recognize breakaway Yugoslav republics Slovenia and Croatia despite strong opposition from the EU, the United States and the United Nations—and despite the fact that the move again resurrected unsavory memories of Germany’s fascist past.
One week later, the Vatican also recognized Croatia.
The EU eventually recognized the two states a month later. The UN also backed away from a direct confrontation with Germany. And the U.S.—which at first blamed the Germans for provoking Yugoslavia’s civil war by their recognition of the two breakaway states—eventually flip-flopped to even SUPPORT Germany’s decision militarily!
In their book Unholy Trinity, Mark Aarons and John Loftus give us powerful reasons to fear Germany and the Vatican.
Mark Aarons is an international award-winning investigative reporter and author of several books on intelligence-related issues. Based in Australia, he exposed war criminals in that country and prompted changes to Australian federal law. John Loftus, author of four intelligence-related history books, is the former chief prosecutor of the U.S. Justice Department’s Nazi War Crimes Unit. As such, he once held some of the highest security clearances in the world.
During World War II, many Serbs, according to these well-informed authors, were butchered by the Croats using medieval methods. “Eyes had been gouged out,” they wrote, “limbs severed, intestines and other internal organs ripped from the bodies of the living. Some were slaughtered like beasts, their throats cut from ear to ear with special knives. Others died from blows to their heads with sledgehammers. Many more were simply burned alive.”
Much more alarming, however, is the “special relationship” between the pope and Croatia at a time when Croatian fascists were slaughtering Serbs. Aarons and Loftus say the atrocities were already under way when Pope Pius xii met with Ante Pavelic, Croatia’s leader, in April 1941.
The pope agreed to meet with Pavelic again in May 1943, by which time the Nazi atrocities against the Serbs were without refute. (One Italian journalist interviewed Pavelic in his home and was shocked to find a large bowl of Serbian eyes the fascist had been collecting.) Yet, according to Unholy Trinity, “Pius himself promised to give Pavelic his personal blessing again. By this time, the Holy See possessed abundant evidence of the atrocities committed by his regime.”
Any right-thinking person ought to ask why the very highest officials in the Catholic Church, including the pope, would associate with and even protect Croatian fascists.
The Vatican’s connection with this sordid history went beyond a simple blessing from the pope. The Vatican actually helped to smuggle many of the worst criminals of the age! “For fugitive Nazis, all roads led to Rome,” Aarons and Loftus wrote.
High-ranking ministers, civil servants, even Ante Pavelic himself, with help from the Vatican’s ratlines, were able to disappear into thin air, intelligence sources have confirmed. At the time, the Vatican labeled these escapees “refugees.” But they were Croatian fascists who were helping Hitler’s regime!
Remember, this all happened at the end of World War II!
Documents prove that Pope Pius XII was by far the greatest Nazi smuggler at the end of World War II! In spite of that despicable history, Pope Pius XII is already headed for canonization by Pope Benedict XVI! Not exactly an act of repentance! And another man who later became pope, Giovanni Montini, was also deeply involved in this crime against humanity!
What if Germany turns its wrath toward America, first of all, the next time around? That is precisely what the post-World War II Nazi underground has pledged to do!
They know that the U.S. mass-produced most of the armaments that beat them in World Wars I and II.
We cannot afford to take this lightly.
These shocking facts reveal that the Vatican was deeply involved with the Germans in World War II. There is simply no other explanation. But most people continue to ignore the truth—to their own great peril!
Aarons and Loftus understand the important history between Croatia and the papacy, dating back to A.D. 700. The Catholic Church has been involved in mass murder since A.D. 554, when the first Holy Roman Empire began. This church has more to hide—or repent of—than any other institution in the history of the world!
It was primarily Germany and the Vatican that started the war in Yugoslavia. This is the so-called Holy Roman Empire in action! This power should be feared a thousand times more than the Serbs. Still the world races madly toward disaster because men refuse to face the truth.
Why can’t we see that Germany and the Vatican are renewing their ties from World War II? That history reaches back to Charlemagne and beyond. No war-making machine has ever spilled more blood.
Why would a church that is supposed to teach God’s love again ally itself with Croatia and Germany, considering their heinous Nazi crimes? Wouldn’t a repentant church or state do just the opposite? Unless they are planning for a future somewhat akin to the dream of Adolf Hitler!
Margaret Thatcher was the only high-ranking politician in the last generation who would even discuss the “German problem” in modern Europe. Only she had the understanding and courage to do so! It probably cost Mrs. Thatcher her job.
No politician today has yet had the courage to discuss the Vatican problem. That weakness can only lead to a bloody disaster.
At the time of Croatia’s breaking away, President Franjo Tudjman refused to admit any wrongdoing on Croatia’s part in the Nazi slaughter of World War II. Yet Germany and the Vatican still defied the world and started a civil war to recognize that Catholic nation! Does that make either of those entities appear repentant of their World War ii sins? And if they are not repentant, what does that portend for our future?
This is just the small beginning of the resurrected Holy Roman Empire with its bloody past and bloodier future. However, it is politically incorrect to criticize the Vatican or Germany for continuing their horrendous past. That requires courage that our politicians and religious leaders today do not have.
All this information can be obtained from the Vatican’s own archives!
The ratlines prove how closely the Vatican worked with the Nazis—perhaps the most barbaric and savagely cruel government ever on Earth!
Still the Catholic Church is forgiven—by men. Not only this time, but also throughout the bloody history of the Holy Roman Empire.
The world has seen six heads of that violent and bloody empire, comprised mostly of Germany and the Vatican. Now the seventh and last head is on the scene. The Vatican-Nazi history is a horrendous prophetic insight into what is about to happen again! And very soon! (Request our booklet Germany and the Holy Roman Empire.)
The seventh head is going to be the most brutal and cruel empire of them all. It is going to cause the worst suffering ever on Earth—far eclipsing the suffering of World War II.
The real Vatican scandal revolves around the ratlines of the sixth head of the Holy Roman Empire—Germany and the Vatican in World War II. These two entities have followed that same brutal philosophy in every head of the Holy Roman Empire. Any good history book will tell you that.
But here is the best possible news you could ever receive: That seventh and last head of the Holy Roman Empire is going to usher in the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to bring this world peace and full joy! Many Bible prophecies reveal that truth. When Christ was on this Earth, He prophesied that He would have to return or there would be no flesh saved alive! (Matthew 24:21).
That great event will smash the seventh and last head of the Holy Roman Empire forever!
If those prophesied seven heads of the Holy Roman Empire have appeared—and they have—then so must the prophesied Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
God’s Word has never failed. It cannot fail. Knowing this should fill us with real hope.
Obviously God must resurrect most of those billions of people who have lived in the past to teach them this awesome truth. That too is prophesied.
The ultimate shocker today is not about the “ratlines.” The most mind-numbing shocker is how gullible people are about Germany and the Vatican!
Americans, the British peoples and the Jewish nation are going to learn the truth by what I am writing or by being victims of the Holy Roman Empire. We have been teaching this message for over 70 years. God’s true Church has warned about the Holy Roman Empire for about 1,500 years!
By words or events, God is about to awaken men from their spiritual coma.
To learn more about recent German and Vatican
ventures, request a free copy of our booklet The Rising Beast. •
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Better a Birther than a COLBer!
Obama's Frightening New Attack On The Constitution
By Robert Moon
Washington Examiner
Imagine how people would have reacted if President Bush had been caught trying to sneak through legislation that would have illegally given him the power to take over and destroy any financial institution he pleased, on a whim, with zero checks and balances. That is what Democrats are quietly rushing through Congress for Obama. It's called H.R. 4173 and it is already through the House. If it is signed into law, Obama will literally gain the kind of terrifying, un-checked power usually reserved for fascists and Third World dictators
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The president usurper, the fraud and foreigner, Obama/Soetoro/Obama, could be stopped in his tracks if EVERYBODY would demand their representatives demand, "Where's the Birth Certificate?"
It's better to be a smart Birther than a dumb COLBer! The treacherous creature from Kenya has already run rampant for too long, trampling the Constitution, disrespecting We The People and wrecking our Republic. Hussein Obama must be stopped!
Obama's Frightening New Attack On The Constitution
By Robert Moon
Washington Examiner
Imagine how people would have reacted if President Bush had been caught trying to sneak through legislation that would have illegally given him the power to take over and destroy any financial institution he pleased, on a whim, with zero checks and balances. That is what Democrats are quietly rushing through Congress for Obama. It's called H.R. 4173 and it is already through the House. If it is signed into law, Obama will literally gain the kind of terrifying, un-checked power usually reserved for fascists and Third World dictators
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The president usurper, the fraud and foreigner, Obama/Soetoro/Obama, could be stopped in his tracks if EVERYBODY would demand their representatives demand, "Where's the Birth Certificate?"
It's better to be a smart Birther than a dumb COLBer! The treacherous creature from Kenya has already run rampant for too long, trampling the Constitution, disrespecting We The People and wrecking our Republic. Hussein Obama must be stopped!
The Lisbon Decade (EU Militarisation)
The EU should prepare a white paper on military policy and thereby accelerate the establishment of a more powerful EU intervention force. This is demanded by the authors of a voluminous strategy paper on the EU's "Security and Defense Policy" (ESDP), published by the SPD-affiliated Friedrich Ebert Foundation in cooperation with other think tanks in Spain and France. According to this report, particularly the military buildup inside the EU must be better coordinated, to enable the equipment with the most modern weaponry in spite of financial limitations. The European arms industries must be more consolidated, which with the favorable conditions created by the Lisbon Treaty coming into effect, can now be initiated with the help of a white paper. The authors, two of whom are regular employees of the Friederich Ebert Foundation, consider that over the next few years, the EU must be closely coordinated with NATO - which it will "not be able to replace" before 2020. But the EU need not be ashamed of its armies, says the paper. Its member nations maintain a force of nearly 2 million soldiers, with financing of up to 200 billion Euros per year.
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Another state considers Arizona eligibility plan
Georgia lawmaker says when Congress won't act, 'states have a duty to step up'
Posted: April 23, 2010
11:20 pm Eastern
By Bob Unruh
© 2010 WorldNetDaily
Another state has begun considering a law like an Arizona plan approved by the state House there that would require presidential candidates to document their eligibility before being allowed on the election ballot.
Georgia Rep. Mark Hatfield, part of a coalition in his state supporting new election requirements, says it's really the responsibility of members of Congress to make sure a foreign-born individual or dual citizen isn't installed in the White House.
But he said without the leadership in Washington necessary to do that, it is up to states to tackle the issue. Arizona's plan is closest to adoption, awaiting only approval from the state Senate.
According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, Oklahoma also has pending in a legislative committee a referendum that could be put before voters...
"No citizen of the United States should ever have any doubts about the qualifications of the individual who occupies the highest office in the land," Hatfield said on the Liddy show.
Click here to read more
The president usurper, the fraud and foreigner, Obama/Soetoro/Obama, has yet to bring to light his long form birth certificate. Something's amiss!
Georgia lawmaker says when Congress won't act, 'states have a duty to step up'
Posted: April 23, 2010
11:20 pm Eastern
By Bob Unruh
© 2010 WorldNetDaily
Another state has begun considering a law like an Arizona plan approved by the state House there that would require presidential candidates to document their eligibility before being allowed on the election ballot.
Georgia Rep. Mark Hatfield, part of a coalition in his state supporting new election requirements, says it's really the responsibility of members of Congress to make sure a foreign-born individual or dual citizen isn't installed in the White House.
But he said without the leadership in Washington necessary to do that, it is up to states to tackle the issue. Arizona's plan is closest to adoption, awaiting only approval from the state Senate.
According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, Oklahoma also has pending in a legislative committee a referendum that could be put before voters...
"No citizen of the United States should ever have any doubts about the qualifications of the individual who occupies the highest office in the land," Hatfield said on the Liddy show.
Click here to read more
The president usurper, the fraud and foreigner, Obama/Soetoro/Obama, has yet to bring to light his long form birth certificate. Something's amiss!
Friday, April 23, 2010
Europe - not Hussein Obama - will force peace
Imposed Solution

Is Obama preparing to sacrifice Israel? Is he planning to impose a "solution"? According to Joel Mowbray in the Washington Times:
"Evidence is mounting that President Obama will unveil a new Middle East peace plan in the coming months. While a desire for peace is indeed admirable, such a move should be welcomed only by the enemies of America.Not only would such an attempt inevitably fail, but it would directly harm U.S. security by shifting our national focus away from very real - and far more dangerous - threats in the region.-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973
Nearly two weeks ago, the New York Times and The Washington Post reported on the same day about a high-level meeting two weeks beforehand in which National Security Adviser Gen. James L. Jones had lobbied Mr. Obama to craft an American peace plan. Last Monday, J-Street, a left-wing Jewish group with close ties to the White House, ran a full-page ad in the New York Times urging Mr. Obama to impose "concrete plans for a two-state solution."
Mr. Obama himself further signaled something was in the works by stating at the close of a news conference last Tuesday that resolving the Middle East conflict was "a vital national security interest of the United States." Likely at the prodding of White House officials, the New York Times ran a front-page story two days later suggesting that an Obama peace plan could be drafted over the next few months and introduced this fall."
Exclusive: EU draft on dividing Jerusalem
As Hitler clearly outlined his plans in Mein Kampf (and furiously put them into practice his first opportunity), so the United Nations passed an ominous resolution in 1947 concerning the fate of Jerusalem: UN Resolution 181 demands the Holy City submit to the status of an "international city." That's a glorified term for ENEMY OCCUPATION!
The final revival of the unholy Roman Empire is being forged in Europe today and it will wage a New Crusade under the guise of peace. Europe's New Crusade will dispatch wolves in sheep's clothing - "peacekeepers" - that will brutally betray both Arabs and Jews for their German-Jesuit masters (whose evil eye has been on Jerusalem throughout history).
Warning Jews
Pope's Evil Eye on Jerusalem!
UN Resolution 181: Blueprint of the Beast?
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Where's Obama's transparency and accountability?
Groundswell of Support Growing for Anti-Obama Rally
by Hana Levi Julian (
A groundswell of support is building in anticipation of the upcoming anti-Obama demonstration set for this coming Sunday, April 25, in New York City, outside the Israel Consulate. According to organizer Beth Gilinsky, head of the Jewish Action Alliance, groups are still calling to express their support and register for the event.
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The president usurper, the fraud and foreigner, Obama/Soetoro/Obama, has yet to bring to light his long form birth certificate. Something's definitely not kosher!
by Hana Levi Julian (
A groundswell of support is building in anticipation of the upcoming anti-Obama demonstration set for this coming Sunday, April 25, in New York City, outside the Israel Consulate. According to organizer Beth Gilinsky, head of the Jewish Action Alliance, groups are still calling to express their support and register for the event.
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The president usurper, the fraud and foreigner, Obama/Soetoro/Obama, has yet to bring to light his long form birth certificate. Something's definitely not kosher!
Treacherous Catholic politicians
[W]e have . . . found ourselves obliged . . . to provide for the exclusion of these from offices who will not disclaim these principles of spiritual jurisdiction which Roman Catholics in some centuries have held and which are subversive of a free government established by the people.
John Adams and John Bowdoin, An Address of the Convention for Framing A New Constitution of Government for the State of Massachusetts-Bay to their Constituents (Boston: White and Adams, 1780), p. 17.
John Adams and John Bowdoin, An Address of the Convention for Framing A New Constitution of Government for the State of Massachusetts-Bay to their Constituents (Boston: White and Adams, 1780), p. 17.
Arizona is a great state to visit!
Arizonan: Boycott us over immigration bill
Democrat urges retaliation if governor signs it into law
The irresponsible Grijalva should be thrown out of office for his treacherous comments against Arizona and the squawking cardinal should shut up with his baloney and go learn history.
May 1: Illegal Immigration Day Defused!
May we turn from our NATIONAL SINS of idolatry and immorality that the CURSE OF ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION comes to its swift end (Daniel 9:11).
Race Matters
It seems evident that the resurrected Noah will head a vast project of the relocation of the races and nations, within the boundaries God has set, for their own best good, happiness and richest blessings. This will be a tremendous operation. It will require great and vast organization, reinforced with power to move whole nations and races. This time, peoples and nations will move where God has planned for them, and no defiance will be tolerated.
Death to America: Major American Cities Targeted by Terrorists?
Democrat urges retaliation if governor signs it into law
The irresponsible Grijalva should be thrown out of office for his treacherous comments against Arizona and the squawking cardinal should shut up with his baloney and go learn history.
May 1: Illegal Immigration Day Defused!
May we turn from our NATIONAL SINS of idolatry and immorality that the CURSE OF ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION comes to its swift end (Daniel 9:11).
Race Matters
It seems evident that the resurrected Noah will head a vast project of the relocation of the races and nations, within the boundaries God has set, for their own best good, happiness and richest blessings. This will be a tremendous operation. It will require great and vast organization, reinforced with power to move whole nations and races. This time, peoples and nations will move where God has planned for them, and no defiance will be tolerated.
Death to America: Major American Cities Targeted by Terrorists?
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
EU draft to divide Jerusalem
Haaretz Exclusive: EU draft document on division of Jerusalem
By Barak Ravid, Haaretz Correspondent
Current EU president Sweden has proposed that the body recognize East Jerusalem as Palestinian capital.
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As Hitler clearly outlined his plans in Mein Kampf (and furiously put them into practice his first opportunity), so the United Nations passed an ominous resolution in 1947 concerning the fate of Jerusalem: UN Resolution 181 demands the Holy City submit to the status of an "international city." That's a glorified term for ENEMY OCCUPATION!
The final revival of the unholy Roman Empire is being forged in Europe today and it will wage a New Crusade under the guise of peace. Europe's New Crusade will dispatch wolves in sheep's clothing - "peacekeepers" - that will brutally betray both Arabs and Jews for their German-Jesuit masters (whose evil eye has been on Jerusalem throughout history).
Warning Jews
Pope's Evil Eye on Jerusalem!
UN Resolution 181: Blueprint of the Beast?
By Barak Ravid, Haaretz Correspondent
Current EU president Sweden has proposed that the body recognize East Jerusalem as Palestinian capital.
Read more
As Hitler clearly outlined his plans in Mein Kampf (and furiously put them into practice his first opportunity), so the United Nations passed an ominous resolution in 1947 concerning the fate of Jerusalem: UN Resolution 181 demands the Holy City submit to the status of an "international city." That's a glorified term for ENEMY OCCUPATION!
The final revival of the unholy Roman Empire is being forged in Europe today and it will wage a New Crusade under the guise of peace. Europe's New Crusade will dispatch wolves in sheep's clothing - "peacekeepers" - that will brutally betray both Arabs and Jews for their German-Jesuit masters (whose evil eye has been on Jerusalem throughout history).
Warning Jews
Pope's Evil Eye on Jerusalem!
UN Resolution 181: Blueprint of the Beast?
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