Seattle teen beaten bloody in hate crime (black on white)
Restore white dominance in the United States and such terrible tales will be history, as such racist dogs would have the fear of God put into their dark hearts and be sent swiftly packing to whatever country they belong.
The United States by Grand Design (White and Christian)
Renew America by Restoring White Dominance
Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
SESTAK: "No comment"
Obama's Sestak Bribery Cover-up By Daniel Foster National Review |
A tip of the cap to White House counsel on preparing a memo that, on its face, would appear to let a bit of air out of charges of wrongdoing. But some of it just isn't scanning. Let's look back at what Rep. Sestak told local TV host Larry Kane in February. KANE: "Were you ever offered a federal job to get out of this race?" SESTAK: "Yes." KANE: "Was it secretary of the Navy?" SESTAK: "No comment" Later Kane asks again, "Was there a job offered to you by the White House?" to which Sestak nods and replies "yes, someone offered it." Kane asks "It was big right?" Sestak replies, "Let me "no comment" on it." "Was it high-ranking?" Kane asked. Sestak said yes. That was February. |
Read More and Comment: |
Review of Cracking the Qur'an Code by Fazal ur Rehman Afridi
"Cracking the Qur'an Code: God's Land, Torah and People Covenants with Israel in the Qur'an and Islamic Tradition", by Lowell Gallin, is a fascinating spiritual journey through good and evil, with all the real actors, places, and situations depicted in such a manner as if the reader is part of a journey beginning with Noah, continuing from Ibrahim to Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David, Solomon, Jesus and concluding with Muhammad.
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Review of "Cracking the Qu'ran Code" by Fazal ur Rehman Afridi
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Review of "Cracking the Qu'ran Code" by Fazal ur Rehman Afridi
Imagine There's No Border
Pajamasmedia — May 20, 2010 — The Audacity of Arizona. The Grand Canyon State decides it's going to enforce immigration policy and everybody goes crazy. Andrew and his wonder dog Virtue offer in-depth analysis of America's border folly.
The United States by Grand Design (White and Christian)
President Teddy Roosevelt said, "The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing as a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities."
(read more ...)
Renew America by Restoring White Dominance
We must renew America by restoring the racial dominance of people of white color as our former immigration policy insured (that the treacherous drunk and murderer Senator Ted Kennedy perverted in 1965).
(read more ...)
Friday, May 28, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Obama keeps America in the dark
"Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people, who have...a right, an indisputable, unalienable, indefeasible, divine right to that most dreaded and envied kind of knowledge, I mean the characters and conduct of their rulers."
-- John Adams
(1735-1826) Founding Father, 2nd US President
Obama dogs America.

The President usurper, the fraud and foreigner, the bastard from Africa, the con man from Kenya, reveals his shady character by refusing to be transparent with many important documents from his educational records to long form birth certificate. Emperor Obama must go!
-- John Adams
(1735-1826) Founding Father, 2nd US President
Obama dogs America.

The President usurper, the fraud and foreigner, the bastard from Africa, the con man from Kenya, reveals his shady character by refusing to be transparent with many important documents from his educational records to long form birth certificate. Emperor Obama must go!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Excitement on Temple Mount as Rabbi Prostrates Himself
Excitement on Temple Mount as Rabbi Prostrates Himself
by Gil Ronen
A large group of hareidi-religious Jews ascended the Temple Mount Tuesday and received friendly service from the police there – unlike the harsh police treatment that Jews typically receive on the Mount in recent years. One of the Jews was even allowed to fully prostrate himself in prayer, facing in the direction of the location of the ancient Temple – which is now occupied by a Muslim mosque.
read more
See also articles on the Third Temple by David Ben-Ariel
by Gil Ronen
A large group of hareidi-religious Jews ascended the Temple Mount Tuesday and received friendly service from the police there – unlike the harsh police treatment that Jews typically receive on the Mount in recent years. One of the Jews was even allowed to fully prostrate himself in prayer, facing in the direction of the location of the ancient Temple – which is now occupied by a Muslim mosque.
read more
See also articles on the Third Temple by David Ben-Ariel
Yet Another New World Order
Yet Another New World Order
May 26, 2010 | Joel Hilliker
President Obama wants to “shape an international order.” Look out.
Does the world seem a bit out of control? Here is President Obama’s idea to get a grip on things: He wants to help “shape an international order,” with “stronger international standards and institutions.”
May 26, 2010 | Joel Hilliker
President Obama wants to “shape an international order.” Look out.
Does the world seem a bit out of control? Here is President Obama’s idea to get a grip on things: He wants to help “shape an international order,” with “stronger international standards and institutions.”
He couldn’t use “new world order,” since that was already taken.
The president issued this latest homage to supranationalism this past Saturday, at a commencement speech at West Point. “[W]e have to shape an international order that can meet the challenges of our generation,” he said. “As influence extends to more countries and capitals, we also have to build new partnerships, and shape stronger international standards and institutions.”
The president issued this latest homage to supranationalism this past Saturday, at a commencement speech at West Point. “[W]e have to shape an international order that can meet the challenges of our generation,” he said. “As influence extends to more countries and capitals, we also have to build new partnerships, and shape stronger international standards and institutions.”
He speaks as though this has never been tried.
But it has. Again and again and again. We have an alphabet soup of globalist institutions to prove it: UN, imf, wto, G-8, G-12, G-20, et cetera, ad nauseam. Each represents a Babylon of competing, conflicting national interests and is generously steeped in human nature. Perhaps even worse than the individual nations that comprise them, these bodies are plagued by epic financial and moral corruption. The best of the statements they produce accomplish nothing, simply for having had to be watered down so much to achieve consensus. The worst of them are weapons wielded by the most hostile of these groups’ participants against the others.
Meanwhile, in the real world, economic meltdown, atrocities of all varieties, wars and rumors of wars stubbornly proceed apace.
Yet somehow, globophiles interpret each failure of these institutions as proof that more transnationalism is needed. That stronger international standards and institutions will solve the problem.
They also view America’s strength as something of an obstacle to the pursuit of this utopian fantasy. “Whether we like it or not, we [America] remain a dominant military superpower,” President Obama said at the 49-nation Nuclear Security Summit last month, explaining why the U.S. remains obligated to intervene in global conflicts. How much happier a multilateral world would be.
Thus, the president is vigorously working to move America into the cosmopolitan wash of the international community. He is consistently working to put at ease those nations uncomfortable with the U.S. taking bold, independent stands. In crisis, he toes the international party line—regarding Iran, Israel, Lebanon, Pakistan, Honduras, North Korea. His new pick for the Supreme Court, Elena Kagan, may be inclined to consult international law in search of wisdom in interpreting the U.S. Constitution; Mr. Obama’s choice for legal adviser to the Department of State, Harold Koh, certainly is. On questions of national interest, the president sacrifices for the global community, no matter the cost—regarding financial regulation and oversight, global warming, nuclear capability.
Some observers apparently believe the president aims to increase America’s influence in the world—to undo the international isolation suffered as a result of his predecessor. If that is his aim, his strategy is already a proven failure. Since President Obama came to power, America has been repeatedly ignored, snubbed and spurned. In apparent efforts to court unfriendly nations, the Obama administration has trashed key alliances, including those with Britain, Israel, Turkey, Honduras, Poland, the Czech Republic and Japan. It has supported authoritarian regimes, including those in Iran, China and Russia. Muslim nations, despite Obama’s robust outreach, mistrust or hate the U.S. about as much as ever. Iraq’s government—upon which Washington has bestowed untold resources—has taken on a decidedly anti-American flavor. Europe has failed to support the president’s enlarged Afghanistan initiative. Several countries are beginning to abandon their use of the dollar, and Europe has gained regulatory control over America’s financial institutions via a G-20 agreement. Gestures of friendship with China, to whom America is deeply indebted, achieved no concessions. Russia apparently helped orchestrate a coup in Central Asia that will likely result in the U.S. having to close down an important military base there. Rogue states Iran and North Korea ignored American pressure and flaunted international law without repercussions. Last week—in complete defiance of America’s efforts to stop Iran’s nuclear program—“allies” Brazil and Turkey made an agreement with Iran to enable its uranium enrichment.
“No single nation should pick and choose which nations hold nuclear weapons,” Obama said in Cairo last June. “No one nation can or should try to dominate another nation,” he told the UN General Assembly last September. “No world order that elevates one nation or group of people over another will succeed.” He envisions a “world order” with international standards and institutions governing a global tribe of equals.
This president isn’t increasing America’s influence. It’s far more accurate to say the president aims to undercut America’s leading global role in hopes this will enable him to see other nations eye to eye. In this aim, his strategy is a wild success.
As America visibly declines in strength, three significant power blocs have emerged: an integrating Asia led by Russia and China, a uniting Europe anchored by Germany, and a radical Islamic resurgence driven by Iran. Efforts to dethrone the U.S. are visible in all three.
The infatuation with supranationalism will not produce anywhere near the “international order” the president envisions. This world is hurtling toward a time when American influence will be not just eclipsed by these three power blocs, but eliminated from global politics. Then these three superpowers-in-waiting will scramble for the lead. In fact, the seeds of future competition among the three have already begun to sprout. And that competition, history shows, is destined to get increasingly violent.
Believe it or not, that competition among them was specifically prophesied by Jesus Christ.
He warned of a period, to grip this world just before His Second Coming, called “the times of the Gentiles”—a time of suffering “such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time [the end time—our day today], no, nor ever shall be” (Luke 21:24; Matthew 24:21).
That is the world we are entering. The Bible says unequivocally that if God Himself did not intervene to stop it, mankind would annihilate itself! (verse 22). The fact that God will intervene is the only hope for a world bent on its own destruction. But it is a sure hope!
This seismic shift in geopolitical momentum—away from America and toward a clutch of non-Israelite, or Gentile, powers, accompanied by an escalation in brutal violence and war—is actually one of the visible signs Jesus Christ gave of His imminent return!
You must not ignore these momentous global shifts, nor should you fail to understand them. The Trumpet is your guide. Your early-warning news source.
The inexorable march of end-time events is happening. The years ahead will be full of horrifying shocks to a world asleep. We urge you to prepare yourself by taking the Trumpet seriously—and acting upon what you read. •
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Love for Jews and Israel
You could say I have a God-given love for the Jews and the nation of Israel (Isaiah 62:6-7). That sacred bond has been strengthened over the years by the fact that I've been blessed to have lived all over Israel, getting to know its land and people quite well.
Apart from 5 months at Ramat Yohanan (where I met my "kibbutz mother," Miriam Weiss) I've also stayed at Sdot Yam on the Mediterranean, next to Caesarea, the site of my first ulpan (intensive Hebrew course), and where Israel's heroine, Hannah Senesh, was from; Regavim, near Zichron Yaakov, where I continued my Hebrew lessons amid its rolling green hills; Reshafim, near Bet She'an, with Mt. Gilboa practically in our backyard, and Jordan's mountains in lovely view out front; Adamit, on Lebanon's border, high up on a mountain, from where on clear days you can see all the way to Haifa's Mt. Carmel; Shoval, a rose in the Negev desert, just north of Be'er Sheva; Dan, way up in the northernmost part of Israel, in between Syria and Lebanon, next to the majestic snow-covered Mt. Hermon, where I was living when "Operation Desert Storm" blew in; and Ha'On, with its campground and ostrich farm on the eastern shores of the Sea of Galilee, across from Tiberias; and last but not least, my beloved Jerusalem, next to my favorite spot on earth: the Temple Mount.
- excerpt from From Toledo to Jerusalem
Apart from 5 months at Ramat Yohanan (where I met my "kibbutz mother," Miriam Weiss) I've also stayed at Sdot Yam on the Mediterranean, next to Caesarea, the site of my first ulpan (intensive Hebrew course), and where Israel's heroine, Hannah Senesh, was from; Regavim, near Zichron Yaakov, where I continued my Hebrew lessons amid its rolling green hills; Reshafim, near Bet She'an, with Mt. Gilboa practically in our backyard, and Jordan's mountains in lovely view out front; Adamit, on Lebanon's border, high up on a mountain, from where on clear days you can see all the way to Haifa's Mt. Carmel; Shoval, a rose in the Negev desert, just north of Be'er Sheva; Dan, way up in the northernmost part of Israel, in between Syria and Lebanon, next to the majestic snow-covered Mt. Hermon, where I was living when "Operation Desert Storm" blew in; and Ha'On, with its campground and ostrich farm on the eastern shores of the Sea of Galilee, across from Tiberias; and last but not least, my beloved Jerusalem, next to my favorite spot on earth: the Temple Mount.
- excerpt from From Toledo to Jerusalem
Renew America
Renew America by Restoring White Dominance
David Hines - a columnist at - angrily responded to The United States by Grand Design (White and Christian) ...
David Ben-Ariel wrote:
What the hell do you think Balkanization is?! It's the very fragmentation into factions that you advocate!
You think that your ancestors, not your efforts, entitle you to certain things such as telling blacks to go back to Africa. This is to be preferably voluntary, but if not, under coercion. In other words, "Get out please, or get the hell out!"
The great majority of American blacks have no real ties to Africa. No linguistic ties, no economic ties, no personal ties. Many have paid their dues, working for a living and paying taxes. For generations. What makes their ancestral inheritance in this land less than yours? Mere skin color?
Who's next to be ordered out? Us Pollacks? Us Germans? Or is about five eighths British Isles ancestry enough to earn a pass?
I encourage you to go educate yourself about what Balkanization means. (See Balkanization Of America Accelerating and The Balkanization of America). Then you will hopefully understand I am merely exposing what has been happening in these United States of America and offering the biblical solution to this national sickness that threatens to divide and destroy us, even as it has destroyed Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe ruins) and South Africa where the animals are running the farm and the tail is wagging the dog! Yet too many Americans remain ignorant or indifferent to these two witnesses who testify against us and still imagine the smooth-talking terrorist Nelson Mandela is a hero (and he is to Communists, Socialists, atheists, and humanists - see and read Invictus Idolatry ).
My call to renew America, to remember our roots and restore the proper racial dominance of people of white color - specifically Anglo-Saxon-Celtic peoples (White Israelites to whom Providence promised this land: The United States is Manasseh) - will not lead to any "fragmentation" (it already exists due to an unnatural and adulterous racial mix) - but hopefully will lead to greater unity among white people who must wake up and assert our God-given rights to rule in our God-given country!
Abraham Lincoln was a white supremacist and naturally wanted white people to remain in power. Such common sense once ruled in our country. Later minorities clamored for equality as a stepping stone to supremacy and foolishly, suicidally, like the self-hating and/or misguided Rhodesians and South Africans, we gave them the vote. As the election of the fraud and foreigner Obama/Soetoro/Obama proves, blacks have no qualms about voting for one of their kind!
President Teddy Roosevelt said, "The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing as a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities."
We must remember "Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people -- a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government, very similar in their manners and customs..." [Federalist # 2 John Jay].
We must renew America by restoring the racial dominance of people of white color as our former immigration policy insured (that the treacherous drunk and murderer Senator Ted Kennedy perverted in 1965).
We must enforce some improved "Project Wetback" (Eisenhower) and "Mexican Repatriation" (Hoover) and deport millions of illegal aliens (Truman deported over 2,000,000 illegal aliens). We must end illegal immigration - after all, whose country is this?
We must say no to demands for "reparations" and encourage repatriation for African-Americans (talk about hyphenated Americans). I address these issues in Black to Africa and Chocolate Continent Awaits the Great Black Return! In fact, the president of Senegal has offered Haitians the opportunity for repatriation and free land, so let us hope he would be as generous to black Americans and that other African leaders and countries would follow his example inviting blacks to return.
The United States of America was primarily founded by and for white people, as Manifest Destiny confirms. We must secure our biblical borders and inheritance without apology or hesitation. If we fail to, if we permit the browning of America to continue, refuse to treat the Mexican invasion as an act of war and defeat it, we will have only ourselves to blame for the death of America.
"I can only wish that the glorious truth committed to our keeping may be cherished, and that we, as a nation, may work out our God-assigned task. The future has work and some trouble in reserve, but if we are faithful… we need fear no evil..." - Manasseh and the United States
David Ben-Ariel wrote:
Diversity demands: segregate now!
The Balkanization of America must end or our Republic will!
What the hell do you think Balkanization is?! It's the very fragmentation into factions that you advocate!
You think that your ancestors, not your efforts, entitle you to certain things such as telling blacks to go back to Africa. This is to be preferably voluntary, but if not, under coercion. In other words, "Get out please, or get the hell out!"
The great majority of American blacks have no real ties to Africa. No linguistic ties, no economic ties, no personal ties. Many have paid their dues, working for a living and paying taxes. For generations. What makes their ancestral inheritance in this land less than yours? Mere skin color?
Who's next to be ordered out? Us Pollacks? Us Germans? Or is about five eighths British Isles ancestry enough to earn a pass?
I encourage you to go educate yourself about what Balkanization means. (See Balkanization Of America Accelerating and The Balkanization of America). Then you will hopefully understand I am merely exposing what has been happening in these United States of America and offering the biblical solution to this national sickness that threatens to divide and destroy us, even as it has destroyed Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe ruins) and South Africa where the animals are running the farm and the tail is wagging the dog! Yet too many Americans remain ignorant or indifferent to these two witnesses who testify against us and still imagine the smooth-talking terrorist Nelson Mandela is a hero (and he is to Communists, Socialists, atheists, and humanists - see and read Invictus Idolatry ).
My call to renew America, to remember our roots and restore the proper racial dominance of people of white color - specifically Anglo-Saxon-Celtic peoples (White Israelites to whom Providence promised this land: The United States is Manasseh) - will not lead to any "fragmentation" (it already exists due to an unnatural and adulterous racial mix) - but hopefully will lead to greater unity among white people who must wake up and assert our God-given rights to rule in our God-given country!
Abraham Lincoln was a white supremacist and naturally wanted white people to remain in power. Such common sense once ruled in our country. Later minorities clamored for equality as a stepping stone to supremacy and foolishly, suicidally, like the self-hating and/or misguided Rhodesians and South Africans, we gave them the vote. As the election of the fraud and foreigner Obama/Soetoro/Obama proves, blacks have no qualms about voting for one of their kind!
President Teddy Roosevelt said, "The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing as a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities."
We must remember "Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people -- a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government, very similar in their manners and customs..." [Federalist # 2 John Jay].
We must renew America by restoring the racial dominance of people of white color as our former immigration policy insured (that the treacherous drunk and murderer Senator Ted Kennedy perverted in 1965).
We must enforce some improved "Project Wetback" (Eisenhower) and "Mexican Repatriation" (Hoover) and deport millions of illegal aliens (Truman deported over 2,000,000 illegal aliens). We must end illegal immigration - after all, whose country is this?
We must say no to demands for "reparations" and encourage repatriation for African-Americans (talk about hyphenated Americans). I address these issues in Black to Africa and Chocolate Continent Awaits the Great Black Return! In fact, the president of Senegal has offered Haitians the opportunity for repatriation and free land, so let us hope he would be as generous to black Americans and that other African leaders and countries would follow his example inviting blacks to return.
The United States of America was primarily founded by and for white people, as Manifest Destiny confirms. We must secure our biblical borders and inheritance without apology or hesitation. If we fail to, if we permit the browning of America to continue, refuse to treat the Mexican invasion as an act of war and defeat it, we will have only ourselves to blame for the death of America.
"I can only wish that the glorious truth committed to our keeping may be cherished, and that we, as a nation, may work out our God-assigned task. The future has work and some trouble in reserve, but if we are faithful… we need fear no evil..." - Manasseh and the United States
Will Israel right the wrong?
Israeli police sent on wild-goose chase
The Israeli police knew they didn't have a shred of evidence against me other than some hateful letter filled with false accusations that misled them.
I received a call (at the Palm Youth Hostel in Jerusalem where I lived and legally worked) from a friend in the United States that "KP" sent him a copy of a letter he reportedly also sent to the Israeli authorities, claiming I was involved in some plot to blow up the mosques to stop the peace process and prepare the way for the Temple; was involved in arms smuggling (distorting my travels through the war-zone of Yugoslavia by train from Germany and visit to South Africa and Zimbabwe, as well as other adventures - thanks to a gracious inheritance from my Hoover grandparents) and that I wasn't Jewish. I told my friend the Israeli police would recognize "KP" was a crackpot and would dismiss his bizarre letter. I wasn't worried about it...
(read more ...)
The Israeli police knew they didn't have a shred of evidence against me other than some hateful letter filled with false accusations that misled them.
I received a call (at the Palm Youth Hostel in Jerusalem where I lived and legally worked) from a friend in the United States that "KP" sent him a copy of a letter he reportedly also sent to the Israeli authorities, claiming I was involved in some plot to blow up the mosques to stop the peace process and prepare the way for the Temple; was involved in arms smuggling (distorting my travels through the war-zone of Yugoslavia by train from Germany and visit to South Africa and Zimbabwe, as well as other adventures - thanks to a gracious inheritance from my Hoover grandparents) and that I wasn't Jewish. I told my friend the Israeli police would recognize "KP" was a crackpot and would dismiss his bizarre letter. I wasn't worried about it...
(read more ...)
Monday, May 24, 2010
So Who Is Wrong?
Congessman Joe Sestak claims the White House tried to bribe him out of the Pennsylvania Democrat Senate primary but the White House, well, we're not sure what the White House says. Both can't be who is wrong? You decide.
Trends in Military Growth, NATO, and Defense Spending
The Independent Institute has just published several timely political commentaries, which may be of interest to you.
Senior Fellow Robert Higgs explains how successive waves of domestic crisis feed the military-industrial leviathan:
Since the early twentieth century, periods of real or perceived national emergency have been “critical episodes” in the growth of government’s size, scope, and power in the United States and in many other countries. Hence, the concise conceptualization: Crisis and Leviathan (My 1987 book on the growth of government)… If America’s economic future turns out to be even worse than I now foresee—for example, with rapid inflation, price and capital controls, and a flight from the dollar—then even greater retrenchment of the U.S. military presence abroad will be unavoidable.
Senior Fellow Ivan Eland examines Madeleine Albright’s over-reaching plan for NATO, and it’s heavy cost for the American taxpayer:
Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright recently led a panel of experts in coming up with a report, “NATO 2020,” which will be used to draft a replacement for NATO’s current strategic concept… The report advocates a continuation and expansion of NATO’s quest to be all things to all people. [This] is an advantage for the interventionist U.S. foreign policy elite, but actually defending all of the added NATO countries hardly benefits the already strapped American taxpayer or enhances his or her security.
Senior Fellow Charles Peña addresses the pound-foolish upcoming defense budget:
Defense Secretary Robert Gates delivered a speech announcing a “big cut” in the budget… The reality is that the likely savings will be less than 3 percent of the projected $570 billion baseline for the 2012 defense budget… Gone is the former Soviet Union, and no hegemonic superpower has arisen in its place. As such, we don’t need the large military we have kept in place since the end of the Cold War. And we don’t need to keep that military deployed to all four corners of the globe to keep a nonexistent threat in check. The military threats that exist are largely regional in nature, and we should let the countries in those regions—mostly wealthy allies more than able to pay for their own defense—shoulder the burden of their own security.
Senior Fellow Charles Peña addresses the pound-foolish upcoming defense budget:
Defense Secretary Robert Gates delivered a speech announcing a “big cut” in the budget… The reality is that the likely savings will be less than 3 percent of the projected $570 billion baseline for the 2012 defense budget… Gone is the former Soviet Union, and no hegemonic superpower has arisen in its place. As such, we don’t need the large military we have kept in place since the end of the Cold War. And we don’t need to keep that military deployed to all four corners of the globe to keep a nonexistent threat in check. The military threats that exist are largely regional in nature, and we should let the countries in those regions—mostly wealthy allies more than able to pay for their own defense—shoulder the burden of their own security.
Senior Fellow Robert Higgs explains how successive waves of domestic crisis feed the military-industrial leviathan:
Since the early twentieth century, periods of real or perceived national emergency have been “critical episodes” in the growth of government’s size, scope, and power in the United States and in many other countries. Hence, the concise conceptualization: Crisis and Leviathan (My 1987 book on the growth of government)… If America’s economic future turns out to be even worse than I now foresee—for example, with rapid inflation, price and capital controls, and a flight from the dollar—then even greater retrenchment of the U.S. military presence abroad will be unavoidable.
Senior Fellow Ivan Eland examines Madeleine Albright’s over-reaching plan for NATO, and it’s heavy cost for the American taxpayer:
Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright recently led a panel of experts in coming up with a report, “NATO 2020,” which will be used to draft a replacement for NATO’s current strategic concept… The report advocates a continuation and expansion of NATO’s quest to be all things to all people. [This] is an advantage for the interventionist U.S. foreign policy elite, but actually defending all of the added NATO countries hardly benefits the already strapped American taxpayer or enhances his or her security.
Senior Fellow Charles Peña addresses the pound-foolish upcoming defense budget:
Defense Secretary Robert Gates delivered a speech announcing a “big cut” in the budget… The reality is that the likely savings will be less than 3 percent of the projected $570 billion baseline for the 2012 defense budget… Gone is the former Soviet Union, and no hegemonic superpower has arisen in its place. As such, we don’t need the large military we have kept in place since the end of the Cold War. And we don’t need to keep that military deployed to all four corners of the globe to keep a nonexistent threat in check. The military threats that exist are largely regional in nature, and we should let the countries in those regions—mostly wealthy allies more than able to pay for their own defense—shoulder the burden of their own security.
Senior Fellow Charles Peña addresses the pound-foolish upcoming defense budget:
Defense Secretary Robert Gates delivered a speech announcing a “big cut” in the budget… The reality is that the likely savings will be less than 3 percent of the projected $570 billion baseline for the 2012 defense budget… Gone is the former Soviet Union, and no hegemonic superpower has arisen in its place. As such, we don’t need the large military we have kept in place since the end of the Cold War. And we don’t need to keep that military deployed to all four corners of the globe to keep a nonexistent threat in check. The military threats that exist are largely regional in nature, and we should let the countries in those regions—mostly wealthy allies more than able to pay for their own defense—shoulder the burden of their own security.
Nations are bound by bonds and borders
Obama's Comment That Nations Are Defined by Bonds, Not Borders, Called 'Wishful Thinking'
Monday, May 24, 2010
By Nick Dean
The president usurper must realize nations are bound by bonds and borders and that he's a fraud and a foreigner who doesn't fulfill either. Let the con man from Kenya, the bastard from Africa, read The United States by Grand Design (White and Christian) and Renew America by Restoring White Dominance and let the truth set Obama/Soetoro/Obama free from his politically correct shackles.
Monday, May 24, 2010
By Nick Dean
The president usurper must realize nations are bound by bonds and borders and that he's a fraud and a foreigner who doesn't fulfill either. Let the con man from Kenya, the bastard from Africa, read The United States by Grand Design (White and Christian) and Renew America by Restoring White Dominance and let the truth set Obama/Soetoro/Obama free from his politically correct shackles.
U.S. Selective Service in Obama cover-up?
Is the U.S. Selective Service System now blocking access to President Barack Obama's online registration records? Members of the public searching the federal database for the commander in chief's registration are suddenly finding new difficulty, possibly due to the startling revelation of Obama's alleged use of a Connecticut-based Social Security Number.
Read the latest now on
Read the latest now on
Sunday, May 23, 2010
White and Christian
The United States by Grand Design (White and Christian)
The politically correct cultists seethe with anger whenever White Israelites - those of Anglo-Saxon-Celtic origins - dare to share the plain truth about our unparalleled contributions to world civilization and our unique role in fulfilling Manifest Destiny. Yet the flaming hypocrites ignore or downplay the double standards of militant minorities and reference to themselves as "La Raza" (The Race), insistence on undermining English as our official language, subverting the Protestant (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant) foundation for Catholicism, etc.
President Teddy Roosevelt said, "The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing as a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities."
This Balkanization of America has been noted by those who don't fear to expose the importance of race and religion. despite being hatefully branded as racists and bigots. Race matters, as everybody but people of white color seem to realize! We must face the plain truth about race and responsibility. Diversity demands: segregate now!
The Balkanization of America must end or our Republic will! Most illegal immigrants are Roman Catholic and would vote Democrat and the dark powers that be know it. They are behind the destructive browning of America.
"I always consider the settlement of America with reverence and wonder, as the opening of a grand scene and design in providence, for the illumination of the ignorant and the emancipation of the slavish part of mankind all over the earth." - A Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law, 1765
That was all made possible, by the grace of God, because we were primarily all people of white color and Protestant, since our Great Creator God decreed the United States of America would fulfill the biblical inheritance of Manasseh, the son of Joseph.
Federalist # 2 John Jay
With equal pleasure I have as often taken notice that Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people -- a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government, very similar in their manners and customs, and who, by their joint counsels, arms, and efforts, fighting side by side throughout a long and bloody war, have nobly established general liberty and independence.
This country and this people seem to have been made for each other, and it appears as if it was the design of Providence, that an inheritance so proper and convenient for a band of brethren, united to each other by the strongest ties, should never be split into a number of unsocial, jealous, and alien sovereignties.
Similar sentiments have hitherto prevailed among all orders and denominations of men among us. To all general purposes we have uniformly been one people each individual citizen everywhere enjoying the same national rights, privileges, and protection. As a nation we have made peace and war; as a nation we have vanquished our common enemies; as a nation we have formed alliances, and made treaties, and entered into various compacts and conventions with foreign states.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Leave Los Angeles in the dark!
Arizona Official Threatens to Cut Off Los Angeles Power as Payback for Boycott
#14. To: Goldi-Lox (#0)
Leave Los Angeles in the dark since they fail to respect those more enlightened than them who are rightly opposed to the alien invasion of these United States of America. Furthermore, it would reveal to them what they're pushing - a United States that is Third-World and primitive. Such ungrateful bastards are unappreciative of all the advances made by THE RACE: White Israelites - Anglo-Saxon-Celtic folks who proved Manifest Destiny true and made this country the envy of the world. Notice we're not clamoring to go to the Gentile countries they're fleeing from and yet attempting to recreate here! If they only had a brain...
#14. To: Goldi-Lox (#0)
Leave Los Angeles in the dark since they fail to respect those more enlightened than them who are rightly opposed to the alien invasion of these United States of America. Furthermore, it would reveal to them what they're pushing - a United States that is Third-World and primitive. Such ungrateful bastards are unappreciative of all the advances made by THE RACE: White Israelites - Anglo-Saxon-Celtic folks who proved Manifest Destiny true and made this country the envy of the world. Notice we're not clamoring to go to the Gentile countries they're fleeing from and yet attempting to recreate here! If they only had a brain...
Malawi and homosexuality
Gay couple sentenced to maximum 14 years in Malawi
#5. To: freedomcat2 (#0)
God and the Gays: To Be or Not to Be (Chapter 1)
God and the Gays: All that Glitters isn't Gold (Chapter 2)
God and the Gays: Once Gay, Always Gay? (Chapter 3)
God and the Gays: A Time to Heal (Chapter 5)
Related articles of interest:
Scarlet Letter: A Christian With AIDS
Does God Heal Today?
Straight Talk about David and Jonathan
Brokeback Mountain Blues
#5. To: freedomcat2 (#0)
God and the Gays: To Be or Not to Be (Chapter 1)
God and the Gays: All that Glitters isn't Gold (Chapter 2)
God and the Gays: Once Gay, Always Gay? (Chapter 3)
God and the Gays: A Time to Heal (Chapter 5)
Related articles of interest:
Scarlet Letter: A Christian With AIDS
Does God Heal Today?
Straight Talk about David and Jonathan
Brokeback Mountain Blues
Friday, May 21, 2010
Sunday is illegitimate!
Gerhard Ebersöhn commented on The Scriptures clearly support the seventh day Sabbath
Yes, there's no doubt the Law demands and commands the Seventh Day is the Sabbath of the LORD God of the CHRISTIAN.
There's no doubt 'Sunday is illegitimate'.
But that is not the issue among Christians. The fundamental issue is that the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead DID NOT OCCUR ON THE FIRST DAY, BUT ON THE SABBATH OF THE LORD GOD THE SEVENTH DAY of the week so that the reason why "a keeping of the Sabbath Day remains valid for the People of God” the 'heathen' Christians, is Jesus' Resurrection and that He through and in Resurrection from the dead invested the Seventh Day Sabbath of the LORD God with a meaning and mandate it before DID NOT HAVE, which honour in no way ever, belonged to the First Day of the week, much less to Pagan Sunday!
"the Bible actually warned about those who would think to "change the times and the seasons." "
'Change the times and ....LAW' of God, it says..... Nevertheless, the New Testament is just as much the 'Law' of God as the Old Testament; and the New Testament has been MORE TAMPERED with than even the Ten Commandments WITH THE VIEW TO THE FOURTH COMMANDMENT!
Because there has NO text concerning the Sabbath's Resurrection of Jesus Christ in the New Testament been left uncorrupted by deliberate MISTRANSLATION TO MAKE IT LOOK He resurrected on Sunday!!
Yes, there's no doubt the Law demands and commands the Seventh Day is the Sabbath of the LORD God of the CHRISTIAN.
There's no doubt 'Sunday is illegitimate'.
But that is not the issue among Christians. The fundamental issue is that the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead DID NOT OCCUR ON THE FIRST DAY, BUT ON THE SABBATH OF THE LORD GOD THE SEVENTH DAY of the week so that the reason why "a keeping of the Sabbath Day remains valid for the People of God” the 'heathen' Christians, is Jesus' Resurrection and that He through and in Resurrection from the dead invested the Seventh Day Sabbath of the LORD God with a meaning and mandate it before DID NOT HAVE, which honour in no way ever, belonged to the First Day of the week, much less to Pagan Sunday!
"the Bible actually warned about those who would think to "change the times and the seasons." "
'Change the times and ....LAW' of God, it says..... Nevertheless, the New Testament is just as much the 'Law' of God as the Old Testament; and the New Testament has been MORE TAMPERED with than even the Ten Commandments WITH THE VIEW TO THE FOURTH COMMANDMENT!
Because there has NO text concerning the Sabbath's Resurrection of Jesus Christ in the New Testament been left uncorrupted by deliberate MISTRANSLATION TO MAKE IT LOOK He resurrected on Sunday!!
Send Calderon packing south of the border!
Mexican President Denounces Arizona Law Despite Laws Against Illegal Immigration in His Own Country
Thursday, May 20, 2010
By Penny Starr, Senior Staff Writer
The flaming hypocrite Calderon should be sent packing south of the border, and actually should have never been permitted to pollute our country with his hypocritical self. Of course the Manchurian president, the fraud and foreigner, Obama/Soetoro/Obama, would aid and abet Calderon's disrespect for the United States.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
By Penny Starr, Senior Staff Writer
The flaming hypocrite Calderon should be sent packing south of the border, and actually should have never been permitted to pollute our country with his hypocritical self. Of course the Manchurian president, the fraud and foreigner, Obama/Soetoro/Obama, would aid and abet Calderon's disrespect for the United States.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Great Britain's name fulfills prophecy!
God Bless British Israel!
Chris Newnham comments:
There seems to be no end to the scale and desperation of certain "scholars" on the Internet to disprove British Israel. I am dumbfounded how such Christians claiming to be in the Bible Scholar area of knowledge can deny such a truth! If they make it to heaven they are in for a shock! Any angel will correct their thinking! No nation other than Great Britain claims the name great! God said of Israel "I will make thy name Great!" No other nation can possibly claim the promise to Ephraim that he would become a "Nation and a Company of Nations"! These so called scholars with an axe to grind have become blinded by their own dizzy focus and are just straining at Gnats. It occurs to me that none of them has ever studied this subject in real depth or historical detail. Maybe they are suffering from laziness in this particular realm and just are too afraid to admit that this might be their trouble!
Chris Newnham comments:
There seems to be no end to the scale and desperation of certain "scholars" on the Internet to disprove British Israel. I am dumbfounded how such Christians claiming to be in the Bible Scholar area of knowledge can deny such a truth! If they make it to heaven they are in for a shock! Any angel will correct their thinking! No nation other than Great Britain claims the name great! God said of Israel "I will make thy name Great!" No other nation can possibly claim the promise to Ephraim that he would become a "Nation and a Company of Nations"! These so called scholars with an axe to grind have become blinded by their own dizzy focus and are just straining at Gnats. It occurs to me that none of them has ever studied this subject in real depth or historical detail. Maybe they are suffering from laziness in this particular realm and just are too afraid to admit that this might be their trouble!
Monday, May 17, 2010
'Manchurian President' climbs to No. 22 among best sellers
Obama's nightmare: Exposé makes New York Times list
Barack Obama's efforts to downplay his past have taken a serious blow now that Aaron Klein's exposé of the president's connections with extremists and America-haters is climbing best-seller charts everywhere.
This week, Klein's "The Manchurian President:
Barack Obama's Ties to Communists, Socialists and Other Anti-American Extremists" hit No. 22 on the New York Times' best-seller list for hardcover, non-fiction titles.
Read the latest now on
Barack Obama's efforts to downplay his past have taken a serious blow now that Aaron Klein's exposé of the president's connections with extremists and America-haters is climbing best-seller charts everywhere.
This week, Klein's "The Manchurian President:
Barack Obama's Ties to Communists, Socialists and Other Anti-American Extremists" hit No. 22 on the New York Times' best-seller list for hardcover, non-fiction titles.
Read the latest now on
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Shavuot/Pentecost is May 18-19
Shavuot/Pentecost is May 18-19
Shavuot/Pentecost (Sivan 6) begins at sunset Tuesday, May 18, 2010 and concludes at sunset Wednesday, May 19, 2010.
The Oracles of God
God's empowered the Jews - despite themselves - to preserve His Word. They are the only people on Earth that God has blessed and ordained to fulfill such a calling! God will not retract His Word or renege on this gift and responsibility that He's graciously bestowed upon Judah.
The Pharisees
Who isn't aware of the sins of the Pharisees? Especially the Accuser of the Brethren? But does that mean the truths they teach, even if they don't live them, are no longer true?
Passover and Pentecost Differences Settled!
The correct dates to observe God's holy days should not be a Church of God issue, having been settled by God thousands of years ago and preserved throughout the ages by faithful Jews.
Raymond McNair Rejects God's government
Did Herbert Armstrong Ever Observe Pentecost on Sivan 6?
Shavuot/Pentecost (Sivan 6) begins at sunset Tuesday, May 18, 2010 and concludes at sunset Wednesday, May 19, 2010.
The Oracles of God
God's empowered the Jews - despite themselves - to preserve His Word. They are the only people on Earth that God has blessed and ordained to fulfill such a calling! God will not retract His Word or renege on this gift and responsibility that He's graciously bestowed upon Judah.
The Pharisees
Who isn't aware of the sins of the Pharisees? Especially the Accuser of the Brethren? But does that mean the truths they teach, even if they don't live them, are no longer true?
Passover and Pentecost Differences Settled!
The correct dates to observe God's holy days should not be a Church of God issue, having been settled by God thousands of years ago and preserved throughout the ages by faithful Jews.
Raymond McNair Rejects God's government
Did Herbert Armstrong Ever Observe Pentecost on Sivan 6?
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Cry, the Beloved Country
Recent "New South Africa" Articles
- Military training for ANCYL leaders
- ANCYL gaan militêre opleiding ontvang
- [Video] Die Derde Vryheidstryd Begin
- Where to from here?
- 75-year-old survives being stabbed 12 times
- Bejaarde Upingtonner vermoor; vrou aangerand
- ‘SA gaan agteruit weens ANC-beleid’
- Malema skuldig bevind op een van vier klagte
- Kameeldrift: Man op sy hoewe doodgesteek
- Regse komplot onthul, of nie?
The Con Man From Kenya
The con man from Kenya, the bastard from Africa, has yet to prove he is a natural born citizen. Where's the birth certificate? And why is president usurper Obama/Soetoro/Obama using a Connecticut social security number? So many disturbing questions hover over this shady character who keeps all his revealing documents in the dark. Why is that? The Manchurian President must be impeached (at least), so help us God.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Investigators: Obama using Connecticut Soc. Sec. Number
Two private investigators working independently are asking why President Obama is using a Social Security number set aside for applicants in Connecticut while there is no record he ever had a mailing address in the state.
Find out the latest right now at
Find out the latest right now at
Obama in a Realistic Light
This article deserves to be reviewed, especially with the release of of The Manchurian President: Barack Obama's Ties to Communists, Socialists and Other Anti-American Extremists by Aaron Klein with Brenda J. Elliott:
Savior or Saboteur? Obama in a Realistic Light
By Joe Crews and Harvey Wysong
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Savior or Saboteur? Obama in a Realistic Light
By Joe Crews and Harvey Wysong
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Who You Gonna Trust?
"…when it comes to what's wrong with this country, the American people are not the problem. The American people are the answer. The American people want to trust in our government again -- we just need a government that will trust in us. " -Hussein Obama
Just substitute the words "American people" with "Birthers" to get a clearer picture of why many don't trust the government, especially when it's misled by an obviously shady character who has failed to prove he is a natural born citizen:
The president usurper, the fraud and foreigner, Obama/Soetoro/Obama, has yet to bring to light his long form birth certificate.
Who You Gonna Trust?
Just substitute the words "American people" with "Birthers" to get a clearer picture of why many don't trust the government, especially when it's misled by an obviously shady character who has failed to prove he is a natural born citizen:
The president usurper, the fraud and foreigner, Obama/Soetoro/Obama, has yet to bring to light his long form birth certificate.
Who You Gonna Trust?
The Intelligence Summit Misses the Mark: the German-Jesuit Threat to World Peace
The whole world has been focusing on Islamic terrorism, as is understandable, but the greatest threat to world peace is the German-dominated European Union! The United States has foolishly been helping to create such a Frankenstein Monster that will brutally betray both the American, British and Jewish peoples.
Is Germany in Danger of Backsliding?
We left it up to the Germans to "deNazify" their country! Now Germany appears to be backsliding as the Nazi German spirit is beginning to stir again, getting ready to break free from imposed shackles with a fury, and come back with a vengeance from the abyss, threatening to wreak havoc upon the world.
Europe's Bitter Roots
As prophesied, there were four Gentile superpowers: Babylon, the Medes and Persians, Greco-Macedonian, and Rome (Dan. 2:31-45). These are the roots Europe would do well to research.
Germany's Fourth Reich Spreads Its Wings Over the World Those who strongly disagree with the "European Union" forging ahead, the Euro-skeptics, state sovereignty is under attack and that the EU is going backwards, descending into the darkness of fascism, not advancing democratic ideals but sacrificing them with impunity.
Germany Behind the Mask
For over 50 years, Herbert W. Armstrong warned that a German-led European combine would thresh the nations. When Germany lay in ashes after WWII, Mr. Armstrong had no doubt Germany would be back with a vengeance and he pounded this theme home through the pages of The Plain Truth magazine read by millions worldwide.
The whole world has been focusing on Islamic terrorism, as is understandable, but the greatest threat to world peace is the German-dominated European Union! The United States has foolishly been helping to create such a Frankenstein Monster that will brutally betray both the American, British and Jewish peoples.
Is Germany in Danger of Backsliding?
We left it up to the Germans to "deNazify" their country! Now Germany appears to be backsliding as the Nazi German spirit is beginning to stir again, getting ready to break free from imposed shackles with a fury, and come back with a vengeance from the abyss, threatening to wreak havoc upon the world.
Europe's Bitter Roots
As prophesied, there were four Gentile superpowers: Babylon, the Medes and Persians, Greco-Macedonian, and Rome (Dan. 2:31-45). These are the roots Europe would do well to research.
Germany's Fourth Reich Spreads Its Wings Over the World Those who strongly disagree with the "European Union" forging ahead, the Euro-skeptics, state sovereignty is under attack and that the EU is going backwards, descending into the darkness of fascism, not advancing democratic ideals but sacrificing them with impunity.
Germany Behind the Mask
For over 50 years, Herbert W. Armstrong warned that a German-led European combine would thresh the nations. When Germany lay in ashes after WWII, Mr. Armstrong had no doubt Germany would be back with a vengeance and he pounded this theme home through the pages of The Plain Truth magazine read by millions worldwide.
“Germany … Undisputed Master of Europe”
By Ron Fraser
May 3, 2010 | From
Amid the European Union’s time of greatest crisis, Germany becomes, yet once again, its master.
Among the few clear-eyed observers of the continent of Europe, the Telegraph’s Ambrose Evans-Pritchard observes the European Union from a true realist’s perspective. As such, he was one of very few indeed who saw the historic poignancy of two of the world’s top bankers meeting with Germany’s chancellor last week. “The heads of the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund made a joint pilgrimage to Berlin, pleading with lawmakers in the Bundestag to throw their full weight behind rescue efforts before the chain reaction spreads to Portugal and the rest of the emu periphery,” he wrote. “Their presence as supplicants in Berlin marks the symbolic moment when Germany appears the undisputed master of Europe” (April 28; emphasis mine throughout).
The Intelligence Summit Misses the Mark: the German-Jesuit Threat to World Peace
The whole world has been focusing on Islamic terrorism, as is understandable, but the greatest threat to world peace is the German-dominated European Union! The United States has foolishly been helping to create such a Frankenstein Monster that will brutally betray both the American, British and Jewish peoples.
Is Germany in Danger of Backsliding?
We left it up to the Germans to "deNazify" their country! Now Germany appears to be backsliding as the Nazi German spirit is beginning to stir again, getting ready to break free from imposed shackles with a fury, and come back with a vengeance from the abyss, threatening to wreak havoc upon the world.
Europe's Bitter Roots
As prophesied, there were four Gentile superpowers: Babylon, the Medes and Persians, Greco-Macedonian, and Rome (Dan. 2:31-45). These are the roots Europe would do well to research.
Germany's Fourth Reich Spreads Its Wings Over the World Those who strongly disagree with the "European Union" forging ahead, the Euro-skeptics, state sovereignty is under attack and that the EU is going backwards, descending into the darkness of fascism, not advancing democratic ideals but sacrificing them with impunity.
Germany Behind the Mask
For over 50 years, Herbert W. Armstrong warned that a German-led European combine would thresh the nations. When Germany lay in ashes after WWII, Mr. Armstrong had no doubt Germany would be back with a vengeance and he pounded this theme home through the pages of The Plain Truth magazine read by millions worldwide.
May 3, 2010 | From
Amid the European Union’s time of greatest crisis, Germany becomes, yet once again, its master.
Among the few clear-eyed observers of the continent of Europe, the Telegraph’s Ambrose Evans-Pritchard observes the European Union from a true realist’s perspective. As such, he was one of very few indeed who saw the historic poignancy of two of the world’s top bankers meeting with Germany’s chancellor last week. “The heads of the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund made a joint pilgrimage to Berlin, pleading with lawmakers in the Bundestag to throw their full weight behind rescue efforts before the chain reaction spreads to Portugal and the rest of the emu periphery,” he wrote. “Their presence as supplicants in Berlin marks the symbolic moment when Germany appears the undisputed master of Europe” (April 28; emphasis mine throughout).
Eight years ago, our editor in chief declared:
Germany has a master plan. We have warned about that master plan since immediately after World War II. (Write for our free booklet Germany and the Holy Roman Empire.)
Germany is fast becoming the fascist superpower of the West, as the U.S. collapses as a superpower. You urgently need to understand why this is happening.
Germany is fast becoming the fascist superpower of the West, as the U.S. collapses as a superpower. You urgently need to understand why this is happening.
How many heeded that warning then? How many really sought to understand why an imperialist spirit in Germany, seemingly vanquished in the wake of its World War ii defeat, had raised its head yet once again to dominate Europe?
How many heeded the warning of Dame Margaret Thatcher, who, with a view to Germany’s habitual behavior throughout its history, declared of Europe 15 years ago: “You have not anchored Germany to Europe; you have anchored Europe to a newly dominant, unified Germany. In the end, my friends, you’ll find it will not work.”
And how many heeded the warning of an insider at the time, ex-Eurocrat Bernard Connolly, who declared with the benefit of his own experiences working at a senior level attached to the European Union’s developing European Monetary System (ems) within the European Commission, that there he got a “feeling for the distinctly German way of approaching monetary questions” within “an environment hostile to thought”? (The Rotten Heart of Europe).
And how many heeded the warning of an insider at the time, ex-Eurocrat Bernard Connolly, who declared with the benefit of his own experiences working at a senior level attached to the European Union’s developing European Monetary System (ems) within the European Commission, that there he got a “feeling for the distinctly German way of approaching monetary questions” within “an environment hostile to thought”? (The Rotten Heart of Europe).
Connolly was one of the earlier whistle-blowers to publicize the truth about the European Monetary Union cemented into place via the Maastricht Treaty of 1992. He understood the German corporatist approach to monetary union as one which, following the forced devaluation of the French franc against the German deutsche mark in 1983, had “much more to do with the Third Reich.” The approach of France, being the primary pawn at the time in the ems progress toward European monetary union, he described as a combination of “mysticism, quasi-religiosity and something approaching Aryanism,” reflecting the deeply Roman Catholic—“Holy” Roman—spirit of its elites.
It was patently obvious from the beginning that unless the members of a monetary union had the flexibility to maintain their own means of exchange, thus allowing for each member of the union to absorb economic shocks by adjusting their own exchange rate, it seemed destined to fail. To put it in another context, “history shows it is impossible to have a fully-fledged currency union without having fiscal union. Unless there is a central treasury with the power to tax and spend, at some point one or other member state will borrow too much, throwing the region into economic disarray” (Brisbane Times, May 1).
Yet these arguments would never have been accepted by German elites. Their whole idea of monetary union based on the German model was to allow the strong (read Germany) to dominate and eventually control the weak. The present case in point is Greece, which is but a harbinger of many other weak European economies that will soon be the vassals of Berlin, courtesy of Germany imposing a system that deliberately disallows for national monetary adjustments to reflect economic strength and weakness.
More than a year after our editor in chief announced that Germany caused the Greek financial crisis, the Globe and Mail has admitted that Germany is “linked to a circle of countries that have become economic colonies …. [T]he Greek crisis, and the mounting Portuguese and possibly Spanish and Italian crises, are, at their heart, and in their origin, German crises. … Through [the] constantly repeated cycle of exports, payments, surpluses and then loans to southern Europe, Berlin became an imperial center …” (May 2).
There’s the seventh and final resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire in action!
Evans-Pritchard, following up on his earlier comment, wrote on the in words reminiscent of Margaret Thatcher’s warning: “If the aim of Helmut Kohl and Francois Mitterrand at Maastricht was to tie down a ‘European Germany’ with the silken chords of EMU, they failed. Monetary union has delivered a ‘German Europe’ after all. … What is undeniable is that Club Med and Ireland are being told to implement the same policies that crippled Europe in the early 1930s, that led … in different ways to Hitler …. Is that a good idea?”
As the Daily Mail headlined in a commentary musing on the chancellorship of Gerhard Schröder over 10 years ago, “What Germany wants Germany will get. … [A]nyone who still not has realized who will rule the roost in the fast developing European superstate should take note” (Jan. 12, 1999).
Yet, in reality—particularly given the power of the prophecies of Revelation 13 and 17—one cannot divorce the whole European imperial project of continental elites from that “mysticism and quasi-religiosity” alluded to by Bernard Connolly. As he states in relation to Roman Catholic dominance in Europe, “the attitude of … Catholic churches in many continental countries was influenced by a desire to see a shadow Holy Roman Empire recreated in Europe” (op. cit.).
To really understand the spirit that drives the “Holy” Roman imperial vision of the elites in Europe, one must understand their deeply entrenched mindset. It is a mindset rooted in Holy Roman Empire culture that sees the 19th- and 20th-century dominance of the Anglo-Saxon nations as but an uncomfortable interruption to the thread of Holy Roman destiny.
Connolly puts it this way: “Just as the French establishment has never forgiven the Anglo-Saxon world for liberating the homeland from the Nazi occupation their incompetence and decadence had permitted, so also the [German] Christian democrats and Christian Socialist tradition in Europe has never forgiven the forces of nationalism and liberalism that in the 19th century seemed to have finally freed the church from the self-imposed chains of its pretensions to temporal power.”
Hence both French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel being so quick to point the finger at the Anglo-Saxons as being the cause of today’s global financial crisis. Hence, also, the cry of the popes John Paul ii and Benedict xvi for Europe to return to its traditional, historic, pre-19th-century “Holy” Roman roots!
Today, Europe is unquestionably dominated by Germany. Even sensible journalists are now prepared to acknowledge that. To the rapidly diminishing generation of those who experienced the bitter fruits of the last time that Germany dominated Europe, this is sobering news indeed. To the masses of ignorant Anglo-Saxons, it still does not even register—but it soon will, and—as their own Bible prophesies—much to their hurt!
The wonderful thing about being absolutely politically incorrect is that you can publish the truth without equivocation, and let the chips lay where they fall.
The wonderful thing about Bible prophecy is that, despite the railings of puny men to the contrary, it ALWAYS is fulfilled!
The wonderful thing about working for a magazine that is unfearing in its message—fearing no man, no criticism, no threat no matter from whom, only reverentially fearing the great Creator of humankind—is that one can write on both accounts—the plain, unvarnished truth and inerrant Bible prophecy—and sleep well at night knowing that your message will prove to be uplifting to some genuine seeker after truth, giving genuine God-given hope in the future, something no other publication can ever offer!
So we focus yet again on Europe, where so much Bible prophecy is being fulfilled to the letter at this very moment—where Bible prophecy is suddenly the stuff of headlines in major daily newspapers. Yes, Europe is finally making the news—even the headlines—in America! But we had to wait, inevitably, till it threatened our pocketbook, to notice that Europe does matter after all!
Some years ago, on behalf of our editor in chief, I approached America’s national radio network, National Public Radio, with the offer of having one of the clearest-minded British analysts of the European scene interviewed in an attempt to raise the general public’s interest in the pending dangers of a resurgent imperialist Germany. The response was that the interview had “no news hook” for the American public. My response was, “Just wait, it soon will!”
Now, suddenly, Europe has a news hook for America, even though this nation is still very slow to wake up to that reality. The fact is, what is happening on the European continent today, with this ever burgeoning, soon-to-be-out-of-control financial crisis, will soon slam America right between the eyes. Well, when it does, we shall be bound to say, “We tried to warn you—for over 70 years!”
There’s no point to a warning unless it comes ahead of catastrophe. In fact, the more ahead of the time that warning comes before catastrophe hits, the more successful will the effort to sound the warning be seen to be—but only with the benefit of hindsight—after the event!
Herbert Armstrong’s critics often criticized him for prophesying things they claimed did not happen—at least did not happen when they wanted them to happen! Yes, he may well have been 50 years ahead of his time—but that’s just more clear evidence of the extent of his vision and of the mercy extended by God to those of His creation whom He has sought to warn of impending catastrophe emanating from this seventh and final resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation!
The fact is, the Anglo-Saxons have been warned of impending catastrophe to befall their nations, literally decades in advance. Warned by the Eternal God, through the untiring efforts of Herbert Armstrong, a dedicated servant of God who devoted 57 years of his life in an effort to publish and broadcast the prophecies that forecast the destructive conditions descending on our nations today. In his latter years, Mr. Armstrong delivered that message to more heads of state than America’s own secretary of state visited in a given year, some with whom Mr. Armstrong enjoyed very close friendships.
Now the danger of which he warned is on our doorstep, hammering at the very doors of our Anglo-Saxon nations and the tiny Judaic nation of Israel, exactly as prophesied in your Bible! And the eye of the pending storm is centered, yet once again, in Germany!
The Greek financial crisis is Germany’s moment.
The crisis of crises has now been created and just cries out to German elites for them to impose their solution on it—and impose it they will! This crisis will prove to be but one more giant step toward the revival of Germany becoming the “undisputed master of Europe”!
You need to urgently read, and deeply comprehend, the message contained in our newest booklet, He Was Right. Download our editor in chief ’s latest two powerful Key of David television programs on the same theme and begin to get a firm grasp on what exactly is happening in this world and why it is happening now! The messages they contain will truly show you the reason why Europe is caught in the grip of crisis right now, and how this has led to Germany becoming, yet one more time, “the master of Europe.” But more than that, they will show you, ahead of time, where this is all leading!
If you truly have an open mind prepared to open up your Bible and face up to the provable truth, these messages could just change the direction of your life and give it a vibrantly positive, very real hope in the future! A hope that will allow you to fully realize your incredible, God-given, human potential! •
The Intelligence Summit Misses the Mark: the German-Jesuit Threat to World Peace
The whole world has been focusing on Islamic terrorism, as is understandable, but the greatest threat to world peace is the German-dominated European Union! The United States has foolishly been helping to create such a Frankenstein Monster that will brutally betray both the American, British and Jewish peoples.
Is Germany in Danger of Backsliding?
We left it up to the Germans to "deNazify" their country! Now Germany appears to be backsliding as the Nazi German spirit is beginning to stir again, getting ready to break free from imposed shackles with a fury, and come back with a vengeance from the abyss, threatening to wreak havoc upon the world.
Europe's Bitter Roots
As prophesied, there were four Gentile superpowers: Babylon, the Medes and Persians, Greco-Macedonian, and Rome (Dan. 2:31-45). These are the roots Europe would do well to research.
Germany's Fourth Reich Spreads Its Wings Over the World Those who strongly disagree with the "European Union" forging ahead, the Euro-skeptics, state sovereignty is under attack and that the EU is going backwards, descending into the darkness of fascism, not advancing democratic ideals but sacrificing them with impunity.
Germany Behind the Mask
For over 50 years, Herbert W. Armstrong warned that a German-led European combine would thresh the nations. When Germany lay in ashes after WWII, Mr. Armstrong had no doubt Germany would be back with a vengeance and he pounded this theme home through the pages of The Plain Truth magazine read by millions worldwide.
A New Era of Imperialism
Newsletter 2010/04/30 - A New Era of Imperialism
BERLIN (Own report) - The leading German foreign policy magazine is predicting "a new era of imperialism". The "struggle for energy, raw materials and water" is going to dominate global policy in the 21 century, declared a former prominent foreign policy maker of the ruling Christian Democratic Party (CDU) in the magazine "Internationale Politik". "19th Century nationalism, colonialism and imperialism are returning", he writes in his article. Twenty years after the collapse of socialism in Eastern Europe, the author is proclaiming the end of a "transition period" in world history and the beginning of a new epoch that will not exclude future "energy wars". The author, who has a profound knowledge of the transatlantic establishment, considers the USA and the People's Republic of China to be the main rivals. The EU must therefore make great efforts, if it does not want to be pushed to the sidelines of global policy. This article is published at a time, when Berlin is using the Greek crisis to demand extensive intervention possibilities into the primary sovereign rights of EU member states. The demand for a more aggressive EU foreign policy is accompanied by dictates on member states to reinforce the EU.
BERLIN (Own report) - The leading German foreign policy magazine is predicting "a new era of imperialism". The "struggle for energy, raw materials and water" is going to dominate global policy in the 21 century, declared a former prominent foreign policy maker of the ruling Christian Democratic Party (CDU) in the magazine "Internationale Politik". "19th Century nationalism, colonialism and imperialism are returning", he writes in his article. Twenty years after the collapse of socialism in Eastern Europe, the author is proclaiming the end of a "transition period" in world history and the beginning of a new epoch that will not exclude future "energy wars". The author, who has a profound knowledge of the transatlantic establishment, considers the USA and the People's Republic of China to be the main rivals. The EU must therefore make great efforts, if it does not want to be pushed to the sidelines of global policy. This article is published at a time, when Berlin is using the Greek crisis to demand extensive intervention possibilities into the primary sovereign rights of EU member states. The demand for a more aggressive EU foreign policy is accompanied by dictates on member states to reinforce the EU.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Are Obama's days numbered?
The Obama-Ayers meeting: What you haven't been told
#4. To: JoeSnuffy (#0)
the Manchurian president
The con man from Kenya, the bastard from Africa, the president usurper, the fraud and foreigner Obama/Soetoro/Obama (who was indoctrinated for over 20 years in racist Jeremiah Wright's haven of hatred against the United States and people of white color), apparently is presently protected by the dark powers that be - since Hussein should be removed from office for many reasons and yet treacherous politicians, judges and media ignore such disturbing information - unless or until they decide to remove their shield and forge another hero, make another martyr, and have Obama killed. The Manchurian president should beware those who created the Obama as savior cult can easily turn and crucify him.
#4. To: JoeSnuffy (#0)
the Manchurian president
The con man from Kenya, the bastard from Africa, the president usurper, the fraud and foreigner Obama/Soetoro/Obama (who was indoctrinated for over 20 years in racist Jeremiah Wright's haven of hatred against the United States and people of white color), apparently is presently protected by the dark powers that be - since Hussein should be removed from office for many reasons and yet treacherous politicians, judges and media ignore such disturbing information - unless or until they decide to remove their shield and forge another hero, make another martyr, and have Obama killed. The Manchurian president should beware those who created the Obama as savior cult can easily turn and crucify him.
White Genocide in South Africa
I don't agree with everything David Duke believes (nor is it necessary), but it's pretty bad when folks like him are nearly the only ones willing to stand up for people of white color and expose the brutal genocide against White Israelites in South Africa (and raped Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe ruins) and the hypocrisy of the media and others who say they care about human rights. Obviously human rights for everybody but white people!
The Manchurian President: Barack Obama's Ties to Communists, Socialists and Other Anti-American Extremists
By Aaron Klein with Brenda J. Elliott
Tens of millions of Americans sense there is something very wrong with the president of the United States, but they don't know exactly what. "The Manchurian President" answers that question. In writing this exhaustively researched book—which is thoroughly documented with over 800 endnotes—Aaron Klein, with Brenda J. Elliot, definitively exposes just how dangerous Barack Obama really is as America's president and commander in chief. Among the book's chilling findings:
Obama's deep ties to an anti-American fringe nexus instrumental in building his political career, some members of which are helping draft White House policy
Obama's extensive connections to ACORN and its union affiliate, including much new information not previously documented elsewhere
Extremists exposed in the White House, including top czars and communist-linked Valerie Jarrett and David Axelrod
Obama's healthcare policy pushed and crafted by extremists
Obama’s deep association with the Nation of Islam
Obama's ties to terrorist Bill Ayers much more extensive than ever previously disclosed
About the Authors
Aaron Klein is an American journalist, author and radio host. He serves as senior investigative reporter and Jerusalem bureau chief for online news giant and is a columnist for the Jewish Press. Known for his regular appearances on top U.S. radio talk shows and television news broadcasts, especially Fox News, Klein is also the author of "Schmoozing with Terrorists" and "The Late Great State of Israel." Klein currently hosts his own program on WABC, the nation's largest talk radio station.
Brenda J. Elliott is a historian and author known for her dogged blogging during the 2008 presidential election about Tony Rezko, William Ayers and other criminals in Obama's clique of cronies.
Product Details
Hardcover: 352 Pages
Publisher: WND Books (May 3, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-935071-87-7 Product Dimensions: 6 x 9
Click here to read more
Tens of millions of Americans sense there is something very wrong with the president of the United States, but they don't know exactly what. "The Manchurian President" answers that question. In writing this exhaustively researched book—which is thoroughly documented with over 800 endnotes—Aaron Klein, with Brenda J. Elliot, definitively exposes just how dangerous Barack Obama really is as America's president and commander in chief. Among the book's chilling findings:
Obama's deep ties to an anti-American fringe nexus instrumental in building his political career, some members of which are helping draft White House policy
Obama's extensive connections to ACORN and its union affiliate, including much new information not previously documented elsewhere
Extremists exposed in the White House, including top czars and communist-linked Valerie Jarrett and David Axelrod
Obama's healthcare policy pushed and crafted by extremists
Obama’s deep association with the Nation of Islam
Obama's ties to terrorist Bill Ayers much more extensive than ever previously disclosed
About the Authors
Aaron Klein is an American journalist, author and radio host. He serves as senior investigative reporter and Jerusalem bureau chief for online news giant and is a columnist for the Jewish Press. Known for his regular appearances on top U.S. radio talk shows and television news broadcasts, especially Fox News, Klein is also the author of "Schmoozing with Terrorists" and "The Late Great State of Israel." Klein currently hosts his own program on WABC, the nation's largest talk radio station.
Brenda J. Elliott is a historian and author known for her dogged blogging during the 2008 presidential election about Tony Rezko, William Ayers and other criminals in Obama's clique of cronies.
Product Details
Hardcover: 352 Pages
Publisher: WND Books (May 3, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-935071-87-7 Product Dimensions: 6 x 9
Click here to read more
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Monument Valley (slideshow by David Ben-Ariel)
Monument Valley is part of God's good creation on the border of Utah/Arizona. Go see it for yourself and enjoy its beauty!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
New Investigation Into Obama Background Spells Trouble Ahead
By Anthony G. Martin
Conservative Examiner
A brand new, in-depth investigation into the background of Barack Obama may spell big trouble ahead regarding the issue of Presidential eligibility. The investigation was conducted by Northeast Intelligence Network--a team of experienced, professional private investigators whose services have been utilized by Fortune-500 companies. The director, Douglas J. Hagmann, is a 23-year veteran in high-level investigations and is a member of the International Counter-Terrorism Officers Association. Hagmann's investigation into the background and Constitutional eligibility of Barack Obama to serve as President of the United States is extensive and thorough. His conclusions are stunning.
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Conservative Examiner
A brand new, in-depth investigation into the background of Barack Obama may spell big trouble ahead regarding the issue of Presidential eligibility. The investigation was conducted by Northeast Intelligence Network--a team of experienced, professional private investigators whose services have been utilized by Fortune-500 companies. The director, Douglas J. Hagmann, is a 23-year veteran in high-level investigations and is a member of the International Counter-Terrorism Officers Association. Hagmann's investigation into the background and Constitutional eligibility of Barack Obama to serve as President of the United States is extensive and thorough. His conclusions are stunning.
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The Limits of American Influence (Kyrgyzstan)
Newsletter 2010/04/26 - The Limits of American Influence
BISHKEK/BERLIN (Own report) - Since the change of government in Kyrgyzstan, Berlin has again been seeking to win influence for the EU in Bishkek, to reinforce Europe's standing vis à vis the United States. The CDU affiliated Konrad Adenauer Foundation is calling on Brussels to engage itself "more energetically than it has in the past" to project its interests in Central Asia. Berlin is counting on closer cooperation with the recently installed provisional Kyrgyz government - a move that the USA and some of the EU member states frown upon. The German government's human rights commissioner declared that he expects Washington to "rally to our political signal". Over the past few years, the United States had predominated western policy in relation to Kyrgyzstan, where it maintains a strategically important military base, which, at the moment, is mainly being used for logistic supplies to Afghanistan but is also in a position to support subversive activities in the People's Republic of China. But Washington lost influence when the president it had supported was forced to flee into exile. Berlin is hoping to step in and reinforce its influence in Bishkek.
BISHKEK/BERLIN (Own report) - Since the change of government in Kyrgyzstan, Berlin has again been seeking to win influence for the EU in Bishkek, to reinforce Europe's standing vis à vis the United States. The CDU affiliated Konrad Adenauer Foundation is calling on Brussels to engage itself "more energetically than it has in the past" to project its interests in Central Asia. Berlin is counting on closer cooperation with the recently installed provisional Kyrgyz government - a move that the USA and some of the EU member states frown upon. The German government's human rights commissioner declared that he expects Washington to "rally to our political signal". Over the past few years, the United States had predominated western policy in relation to Kyrgyzstan, where it maintains a strategically important military base, which, at the moment, is mainly being used for logistic supplies to Afghanistan but is also in a position to support subversive activities in the People's Republic of China. But Washington lost influence when the president it had supported was forced to flee into exile. Berlin is hoping to step in and reinforce its influence in Bishkek.
Jezebel was a liar
Dr. Willie B. Grayson commented on What does the Bible say about women ministers (pastors or preachers)?
As a minister of God, called by him to preach, I found myself on the wrong end of a discussion tonight in Bible study. The question was " Is it alright for women to be in the pulpit. Our study came from Rev 2:20-24. Jezebel called herself a prophetess, she was not called by God. Being called by God to preach , I am very aware of male Jezebels that are in the pulpit also. True it's not right for me or anyone else to be in a pulpit and having "Jezebel" tendencies. As I studied more I find the answer to my own question, no women were made preachers by God. Thank you. Even with a Doctors in Theology, you don't know everything.
God Doesn't Ordain Women Preachers!
I just read an abominable article written by a proud and stubborn woman attempting to justify rebellious women doing what only God has ordained men to do: preach from the pulpit as ordained ministers.
As a minister of God, called by him to preach, I found myself on the wrong end of a discussion tonight in Bible study. The question was " Is it alright for women to be in the pulpit. Our study came from Rev 2:20-24. Jezebel called herself a prophetess, she was not called by God. Being called by God to preach , I am very aware of male Jezebels that are in the pulpit also. True it's not right for me or anyone else to be in a pulpit and having "Jezebel" tendencies. As I studied more I find the answer to my own question, no women were made preachers by God. Thank you. Even with a Doctors in Theology, you don't know everything.
God Doesn't Ordain Women Preachers!
I just read an abominable article written by a proud and stubborn woman attempting to justify rebellious women doing what only God has ordained men to do: preach from the pulpit as ordained ministers.
Send illegal aliens running with tails between their legs!
Stand Up for Arizona
By Patrick J. Buchanan
Since Gov. Jan Brewer signed a new immigration law a week ago, Arizona has been subjected to savage attack as the modern embodiment of Jim Crow, apartheid and Nazism. Few have risen in the state's defense. In a particularly offensive smear, Mexican President Felipe Calderon charged Arizona with opening the door to intolerance, hate, discrimination and abuse in law enforcement.” And what was the reaction of the Great Apologist Obama to this slander of an American state by the leader of a neighboring nation? None. One wonders if Barack Obama will ever stand up to foreign leaders abusing the nation that awarded him its highest honor.
Of course the bastard from Kenya, the president usurper, the fraud and foreigner Obama/Soetoro/Obama who was indoctrinated for over 20 years in racist Jeremiah Wright's haven of hatred against the United States and people of white color, won't defend the honor of our beloved white Israelite country and precious Republic because he has no honor. That's apparent by the fact Hussein Obama has failed to be transparent with his long form birth certificate, among many other documents he keeps in the dark.
Regardless of Hussein Obama's shameful silence in the face of such a internationally-reported slam against Arizona and the United States by the corrupt Mexican President Felipe Calderon, we - legitimate Americans - must stand up for Arizona and stand up for the United States!
Isn't it hypocritical that non-white races can freely be proud of their race (LA RAZA - THE RACE) and have racist groups like the NAACP and exclusivist organizations like the Congressional Black Caucus, yet whenever people of white color seek to enforce our laws, in this country founded primarily by and for Anglo-Saxon-Celtics (as Manifest Destiny proves), with all its wonderful accomplishments and blessings the Gentiles covet, Joseph's Birthright, the militant minorities howl!
The plain truth is race matters. We need to be reminded of our Hebrew roots and biblical responsibilities and act accordingly, without apology, so help us God!
The sooner we enforce our laws and treat the curse of illegal immigration as a FOREIGN INVASION - with as much manpower and force as necessary to turn the tide and reclaim our country - the greater respect we will have for ourselves and others will take note and warning not to dare bark against us or they will be sent running with their tails between their legs!
By Patrick J. Buchanan
Since Gov. Jan Brewer signed a new immigration law a week ago, Arizona has been subjected to savage attack as the modern embodiment of Jim Crow, apartheid and Nazism. Few have risen in the state's defense. In a particularly offensive smear, Mexican President Felipe Calderon charged Arizona with opening the door to intolerance, hate, discrimination and abuse in law enforcement.” And what was the reaction of the Great Apologist Obama to this slander of an American state by the leader of a neighboring nation? None. One wonders if Barack Obama will ever stand up to foreign leaders abusing the nation that awarded him its highest honor.
Of course the bastard from Kenya, the president usurper, the fraud and foreigner Obama/Soetoro/Obama who was indoctrinated for over 20 years in racist Jeremiah Wright's haven of hatred against the United States and people of white color, won't defend the honor of our beloved white Israelite country and precious Republic because he has no honor. That's apparent by the fact Hussein Obama has failed to be transparent with his long form birth certificate, among many other documents he keeps in the dark.
Regardless of Hussein Obama's shameful silence in the face of such a internationally-reported slam against Arizona and the United States by the corrupt Mexican President Felipe Calderon, we - legitimate Americans - must stand up for Arizona and stand up for the United States!
Isn't it hypocritical that non-white races can freely be proud of their race (LA RAZA - THE RACE) and have racist groups like the NAACP and exclusivist organizations like the Congressional Black Caucus, yet whenever people of white color seek to enforce our laws, in this country founded primarily by and for Anglo-Saxon-Celtics (as Manifest Destiny proves), with all its wonderful accomplishments and blessings the Gentiles covet, Joseph's Birthright, the militant minorities howl!
The plain truth is race matters. We need to be reminded of our Hebrew roots and biblical responsibilities and act accordingly, without apology, so help us God!
The sooner we enforce our laws and treat the curse of illegal immigration as a FOREIGN INVASION - with as much manpower and force as necessary to turn the tide and reclaim our country - the greater respect we will have for ourselves and others will take note and warning not to dare bark against us or they will be sent running with their tails between their legs!
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