Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Annapolis will bring death and destruction

Annapolis will bring death and destruction

By Ted Belman

Make no mistake about it, Annapolis represents a mortal danger to Israel and the Jewish people. We don’t have to know how and when the “peace process” train will reach its destination. Once you are on the deportation train, it is too late. It is enough to know the destination is Auschwitz borders and behind such borders lies Auschwitz.

The Jewish remnant in the Warsaw Ghetto, when hearing of the death of 300,000 Jews deported from the ghetto, decided to go down fighting rather than to go to their deaths like sheep. And fight they did.

We know where Annapolis is taking us to, namely; Auschwitz borders, expulsion and deportation of 200,000 Jews and the division of Jerusalem with the Holy Basin under the control of the Muslims. Need we know more?

And for what? Certainly not recognition as a Jewish state, certainly not an end of conflict agreement with all Muslim nations, certainly not a more secure future.

In the words of the PA;

    1. The Annapolis declaration will include Palestinian recognition of Israel – but not as a Jewish state.
    2. The boundaries of the future Palestinian state will follow the pre-1967 War lines with minor adjustments through territorial swaps. A few hundreds of square meters may be offered on the West Bank in return for areas in central Israel, not the Negev.
    3. Palestinian sovereignty over Temple Mount, the holiest shrine of the Jewish people, must be undivided and include the Jewish place of worship at the Western Wall.
    4. The right of return for 1948 refugees is absolute and non-negotiable.
    5. The future Palestinian state will enjoy full sovereignty, including its air and electromagnetic space and underground resources, such as water.
    6. Negotiations after the Annapolis conference must be concluded by Aug. 2008..

We also know that the people we are ceding our security to are latter day Nazis who are the inheritors of the final solution. Forty years ago they wanted to throw us into the sea. Today they want to wipe us off the face of the map.

The state of Israel is a Jewish enterprise not an Israeli enterprise. It was promised to the Jews not to Israelis. We must assert our rights as a people. We cannot avoid responsibility by hiding behind the “duly elected government of Israel”. It doesn’t represent us Jews and it doesn’t represent the majority of Israelis. There is nothing to debate.

Even Tevia, the quintessential Jew in Fiddler on the Roof, knew enough to declare, in some matters, “There is no other hand.”.

We must draw the line and fight. Now, not later.


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