Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Healing of the Nations

Ron FraserColumnist
May 25, 2008 | From
Medical science is losing the fight against new forms of infection and disease.

The current world disorder is filled with forces seemingly beyond our control. Their sheer impact is driving many of us to look again to some of the good old-fashioned ways by which people lived and thrived for centuries before the scientific age.

Take the impact of medical science on our lives in this 21st century.

As medicinal science finds the battle against disease an intensely daunting task, its products increasingly out of the reach of those most in need, we see increasing attention being given to ways to better care for ourselves physically.

Pharmaceutical companies have long sought to convince the public of the efficacy of their wares, despite the often voluminous disclaimers that accompany many advertisements for their potions and pills.

Leafing through a well-known magazine recently, I was struck by one advertisement for a patented medicine. It used half a page of text to promote the product—and two whole pages of disclaimers for the numerous side effects it might produce in the recipient. A few pages over was another advertisement for a sleeping pill. It used barely a third of a page of text to promote the pill, followed by a page and a half of disclaimer.

There’s something wrong with a system that allows for the marketing of costly products that claim to work for the healing of the body when the effects of the “cure” have the proven potential to cause a multiplicity of adverse side effects.

As science has developed more and yet more products supposedly designed to ease the sufferings of human beings, yielding massive profit to major drug companies, our hospitals continue to groan with the pressure of being filled to overcapacity. Medical and hospital costs escalate beyond what most people can pay. The high cost of medical insurance leaves many unable to maintain personal coverage.

Clearly this is a situation well out of control.

Meanwhile, a myriad of products line pharmacists’ shelves. There are pills and potions said to correct a given ailment, then other pills and potions designed to counteract the effects of any reactions from other pills and potions. Some of these are even habit-forming. Others have been used as the basis for creating illegal drugs on which people get hooked into a harmful habit. Then there are the products designed to aid the suffering of those already hooked on illegal man-made substances.

Is this really progress?

The whole medical/pharmaceutical industry has engaged in a self-perpetuating cycle that sucks people into being at the mercy of professionals who spend their time making out drug prescriptions. Many, perhaps most, of these professionals are at the mercy of the pharmaceutical empires that dominate the industry, having little or no real knowledge of the real effect of the products prescribed beyond the marketing information produced by the drug companies in their glossy brochures.

Yet there is a bright ray of hope emerging on the horizon that could allow many to break free of this modern problem of dependence on chemical formulae to deal with, often most unsatisfactorily, their health problems.

What is forcing even some professional medicos into a reanalysis of their approach is the fact that medical science has created a giant headache for itself. Infective bacteria are growing aggressively resistant to antibiotics as they adapt to the increasing strength of dosage.

Hospitals, once regarded as a haven for cure of the sick and injured, have over the past four decades turned into breeding grounds for infective bacteria.

Take golden staph for instance. “Golden staph has been termed a ‘superbug’ because of its remarkable ability to acquire resistance to virtually all antibiotics” (University of Queensland, September 2007, emphasis mine throughout). Then there’s the far more aggressive flesh-eating bacteria staphylococcus aureus, which abc News described as “[f]lesh-eating bacteria. A drug-resistant menace, spreading silently through hospital hallways” (January 23). Some have described this phenomenon as a mild epidemic. It is spreading through the homosexual community in particular. “A new variety of staph bacteria, highly resistant to antibiotics and possibly transmitted by sexual contact, is spreading among [homosexual] men in San Francisco, Boston, New York and Los Angeles, researchers reported …” (San Francisco Chronicle, January 14).

Of course, irresponsible individuals within society often believe they can carry on perverse practices that carry a high risk of spreading infection, convinced that medical science can offer a cure. Increasingly that is proving itself a vain hope.

As treatments must get stronger so as to counteract escalating strains of infection and disease—often being the result of bacteria persisting to thwart the efforts of science—a negative cycle comes into play. We see the production of stronger and even stronger potions to fight the negative effects of the ever more virulent infection and disease. Medical science is caught in a trap of its own making. It’s on a treadmill going nowhere, unable to offer real hope of any breakthrough to deal with this challenge.

The solution, some are finding, is to jump right off the treadmill and revert back to good old proven natural remedies that are so much more readily available off the supermarket shelf, or at the grocery store, or even in your own backyard.

Take honey for instance.

In that same magazine that I referred to earlier, there is a simple one-page article with a minimum of text enlightening the reader on the simple curative effects of good old naturally produced honey.

Get this.

“As bacteria grow increasingly resistant to antibiotics, doctors around the world are rediscovering an old ally: honey. A popular medicine before the era of modern wonder drugs, honey fights bacteria in wounds in several ways, including the steady production of hydrogen peroxide, an antiseptic” (National Geographic, June 2008). As a result, the article indicates, hospitals in Asia and Europe are now using bandages infused with honey, rather than man-made chemical compounds!

Well, how about that! After all of the “progress” of medical science, we wind the clock back 200 years and return to the simple, God-made natural gift of the honey bee to hit back at the problem of virulent bacteria created by the “wonders” of medical science!

Honey is mentioned on numerous occasions in the Bible in association with the richest of blessings bestowed upon ancient Israel. Israel was promised to inherit a land “flowing with milk and honey … the glory of all lands” (Exodus 3:8; Ezekiel 20:6). The proverb declares, “My son, eat thou honey, because it is good; and the honeycomb, which is sweet to thy taste” (Proverbs 24:13). That word good is translated from a Hebrew term that can mean well—the implication being that honey can aid the wellness of the body.

In the Bible, honey is often mentioned in tandem with wine and oil. The therapeutic powers of these three natural God-given blessings, produced in abundance in the choicest places of the Earth as gifted by God to the descendants of Israel, were once well known to our great-grandparents.

Jesus Christ used the example of the curative effects of oil and wine in one of His famous parables, the story of the good Samaritan. When the Samaritan came across the half-dead wayfarer, he “… went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine …” (Luke 10:34). Wine is a natural, cleansing disinfectant. Olive oil is a soothing balm, possessing certain curative benefits, in particular to the skin.

How foolish we human beings are! Convinced that we are an evolving species, ever growing in our knowledge of how to control our universe, dazzled by the “progress” of science, we fail to grasp the reality of the daunting nature of the escalating and increasingly unsolvable problems that parallel our “evolution”!

The young Evangelist Timothy was advised by his mentor, the Apostle Paul, “O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called” (1 Timothy 6:20).

There’s a whole lot within the discipline of science that is, indeed, “science falsely so called.” The global warming scientific hoax aside, humankind has been duped into thinking that medical science, much of it “science falsely so called,” especially within the pharmaceutical industry, will offer an eventual cure-all for all disease.

It can’t!

The reason is that much of this science is based on a false premise, the theory of evolution.

There’s a lesson in the fact that hospitals in Asia and Europe are turning back to a simple, natural, non-man-made product to fight infective bacteria. The lesson’s theme is found in the book of the Prophet Jeremiah. “Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, [wherein] is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls” (Jeremiah 6:16).

Science will be forced to increasingly admit defeat by forces outside its control. Mankind will ultimately have to return to the “old paths,” to subscribe to the law of God wherein lies the good way, the way of abundant, vibrant health, supported by the curative effects of natural God-made products designed for the “healing of the nations”!

Prophesying of that wondrous time yet ahead, Jesus Christ declares this of the new Jerusalem: “In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river … the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations” (Revelation 22:2).

Request a copy our booklet The Plain Truth About Healing for more vital information on this subject.

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Does God Heal Today?

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