Sunday, February 15, 2009

Drunks and Whores (YouTube video by David Ben-Ariel)

Drunks and Whores
Many professing Christians remain in denial that traditional Catholics and Protestants are spiritual drunks and whores (intoxicated by Catholic concoctions), drug addicts (under the heavy influence of Rome); traditional Christians and Catholics are spiritual practicing homosexuals, REPROBATES having a perverse spiritual preference for tradition over truth, for abominable baptized paganism, counterfeit Christian holidays they've accepted (following Constantine, not Jesus Christ), falling for accursed Rome's replacement theology that would replace the biblical Sabbath and holy days and dietary laws (we are commanded to keep) with their idolatrous traditions and unclean doctrines of demons...

Watch the Drunks and Whores video and read these articles:

Christian Reprobates?

Plea to Diehard Catholics & Protestants to Repent