Monday, March 23, 2009

Obama doesn't feel your pain

CBS asks Obama: 'Are you punch drunk?'
'60 Minutes' reporter: 'You are laughing about some of these problems'--Politico

Soetoro/Obama has laughed all the way to the White House, trampling the Constitution and We The People on his merry way, aided and abetted by Obamatons who've drunk the kool-aid and proven they're dangerous to themselves and others.

Soetoro/Obama lives in an ebony tower and mocks misery others are suffering. Let that grin be wiped off his face by a proper inquiry into his eligibility to be president, by demanding proof he's a natural born citizen, as justice demands.

Emperor Obama
Why has Obama FAILED to prove he's a natural born citizen? Shame on conservative cowards who have FAILED to demand proof! This is further proof America is under a curse

Sherrod Brown on Obama's Birth Certificate

Obama's African Coup in America

President Usurper Obama

BLACK DAY IN AMERICA: Obama Wins, America Loses

Shame on conservative cowards!

President Barack Obama sound good to you?