Thursday, February 5, 2009

Will Obama remain aloof or open up his sealed records?

IF only Obama would do the right thing!

It's apparent Obama dropped the hot potato of Jeremiah Wright to win the election, aided and abetted by ACORN, conservative cowards and massive foreign aid (unaccounted for and much of it undoubtedly illegal), but most importantly: Obama has failed to prove he is a natural born citizen.

Adding insult to injury, Obama has suspiciously sealed his records in the United States and Kenya, and disrespects those who ask legitimate questions concerning this key Constitutional issue instead of being open and honest. So to wimply and simply say, "He's the president now" - to sheepishly resign oneself to accept a possible African coup in America (due to identity theft and terrorism) since it's a done deal, a backroom deal, a president usurper due to treacherous irresponsibility and collaboration of many, is inexcusable.

Although I consider the Gentile African, Barack Hussein Obama, illegitimate to hold office here for biblical reasons - Israelites were never to empower Gentiles to rule over them (Deut. 17:15), and Gentiles ruling over Israelites is considered a curse (Deut. 28:43) - IF Obama would prove he is a natural born citizen, as required by our Constitution, I would then submit to the fact he is our legitimate political president and encourage him to rule this Republic righteously, in peace and harmony with the Word and Will of God (Isa. 55:7-9), loving God and his neighbor as himself, and would gladly embrace Obama and pray for him as he humbles himself daily to read and heed what's written in the Bible (Deut. 17:18-19), so help him God.


smrstrauss said...

Re: “Obama has failed to prove he is a natural born citizen.”

Our Constitution, the US Constitution, requires that to be eligible to be president a person must be over the age of 35, have lived in the USA for 14 years, and be a Natural Born Citizen, but it never says: “And she or he must prove it.”

In fact, we have had 43 presidents and numerous vice presidents and about the same number of failed candidates for the two jobs, and none of them has ever PROVED that she or he was a natural born citizen.

It is the responsibility of the other side to prove that someone is not a natural born citizen.

Re: “suspiciously sealed his records in the United States and Kenya”

There are NO records in Kenya. Only WND claims that there are. And only WND has claimed that his files in Hawaii were sealed by the governor of Hawaii (she has denied it).

The Department of Health of Hawaii says that they release only the Certification of Live Birth, which is what Obama posted. How do I know? I asked them. You can check, by asking your own questions by e-mail at

What this means is that unless Obama has kept the original birth certificate his family received at the time of his birth, and has not mislaid it, all that he can show is what the State of Hawaii has sent him, which is the Certification of Live Birth, which is what he showed.

Fortunately, this is legal proof that he was born in Hawaii. Why? Because Hawaii cannot issue a Certification of Live Birth that says “born in Honolulu” if he was born some place other than Honolulu.

He was born in Honolulu.

This guy puts it better than I can:

A posting from Andrew Walden, publisher of the Hawaii Free Press, a right-wing blog based in Hawaii.

Barack Obama: Born in Hawai`i
by Andrew Walden

It is time to focus on REAL issues, not imaginary ones.

A fairly impressive internet industry has sprung up claiming that Obama was born in either Kenya or Indonesia. This is nonsense, which distracts from the broadly unexplored story of Obama’s upbringing. This kind of nonsense has emerged because the McCain campaign chose not to raise the many questions about Barack Obama’s numerous hard-left alliances. Barack Obama was born in Hawai`i, August 4, 1961 at Kapiolani Medical Center in Honolulu.

Obama’s birth certificate posted online is exactly the same birth certificate everybody in Hawai`i gets from the State Department of Health. It is not forged. There is nothing unusual about the design or the texture. In addition to the birth certificate, the August 13, 1961 Honolulu Advertiser also carries an announcement of Obama’s birth. The Honolulu Star-Bulletin also carries the same announcement. Both papers require submission of a copy of the birth certificate to print a birth announcement.

End Quote

Unless, of course, Hawaii is conspiring with Obama, and Kenya is conspiring with Obama, and the US Congress (which certified the electoral college vote) is conspiring with Obama. And some add Indonesia and Pakistan and the Chief Justice of the United States.

However, if you still believe that he was born in Kenya, here’s what you can do to prove that alleged fact.

IF he were born in Kenya, baby Obama would have had to get from Kenya to Hawaii. For that to happen, he would have to have a US visa on a British passport, OR he would have to be issued a new US passport in Kenya, or he would have to be entered on the US passport of his mother in Kenya. The first of these would be the most likely, the second and third are remote possibilities.

IF any of these had taken place, there would be a record of it in the US state department files for the Kenya consular office for the year 1961. This would be available under the Freedom of Information Act.

David Ben-Ariel said...

Was there ever any doubt any of our presidents were natural born citizens? Did any of them ever get questioned about it and then hire a swarm of lawyers to answer for them by SEALING their records? Didn't think so.

It is Obama's responsibility to prove he is a natural born citizen, since he chose to run for president.

Obama's Kenyan relatives and fellow Kenyans all claim him as KENYAN. Why remain in denial?

A certification of birth is not the same as an original birth certificate which Obama has FAILED to provide, as many honest folks have pointed out, including Democrats.

smrstrauss said...

Re: “Obama's Kenyan relatives and fellow Kenyans all claim him as KENYAN. Why remain in denial?”

They don’t. WND has claimed that they do.

First, the grandmother tape. The opponents say that she said she was present when Obama was born.
In fact, we do not know what she answered “yes” to.

What does it mean to be present WHEN someone was born as opposed to being present WHERE they are born, especially when there is a translation involved? (She is the step grandmother, so she could be saying that she was present [in the family] when Obama was born.)

However, later she was asked a straight question: “Where was he born?” AND the reply is clear—“Hawaii, America.” So, this is evidence that he was born in Hawaii. (At the very least, it is NOT evidence that he was born in Kenya.)

Here is the Web site that plays the Grandmother interview: Listen for the answer to the question: "Where was he born?"

(Later in the tape she says something about Obama being a “son of this village,” But that can hardly mean that he was born in the village—even the Kenya-born theorists say that he was born in a Kenyan hospital. It apparently means that he is a son of the village by blood—whatever.)

Now, WND has also said that some other Kenyan relatives have claimed that he was born in Kenya. But, WND has never shown the statements or played the recordings to anyone else—and for sure the AP and UPI and Reuters have never reported such statements.

And WND has claimed that files are sealed in Kenya, but there has been NO substantiation. IF WND were not lying, it would like to have some substantiation for the claim that files are "sealed." This would be easy for AP or Reuters (who have correspondents in Kenya) to do. All they have to do is ask for a particular file, and if they get the answer--"you can't see that," they have a story.

And IF Obama had been born in Kenya, the file on his mother arriving in Kenya would be a public file, along with all the other arrivals in 1961. So IF this file were sealed, it would stand out, like they say "a trout in the milk." But there is no such file, because she never arrived in Kenya.

Then, there is the statement of Obama’s uncle (in this case by birth), who says that the first time Obama was in Kenya was in 1986.

“In a YouTube video, Barack Obama’s uncle, Sayid Obama, says plainly, and in English, that Barack Obama’s first time in Kenya was in 1987. The following transcript starts at 3:30 in the video.

”Narrator: Barack Obama first came to visit his father’s grave back in 1987

“Sayid Obama: It was his first time in Kenya. I can say it was kind of happiness mixed with some sadness because he was a person coming to see this site of his family and at the same time coming to see where his father was buried.

Then there is this:

The above is a filing by the Obama parents when they wanted to have him register for school in Indonesia. They claim that he is an Indonesian citizen (which is apparently a lie, Indonesia says that he was never a citizen, and they never even applied.) But, you can see the place of birth listed—why should they lie in Indonesia?

Re: “A certification of birth is not the same as an original birth certificate which Obama has FAILED to provide, as many honest folks have pointed out, including Democrats.”

Of course it’s not. But: (1) it is a legal document; (2) it is commonly accepted as proof of citizenship; (3) it says that Obama was born in Hawaii; and (4) It is ALL that Hawaii gives out these days. So, as I said, unless Obama still has the original birth certificate issued to the parents at the time of his birth, and has not mislaid it, he has to post the certification.

As you know, McCain posted his original birth certificate, which has the name of the hospital and the doctor on it. That’s nice. But the question you should ask yourself is—SUPPOSING HE HAD LOST IT OR MISLAID IT, what could he show?

He would have had difficulty in showing anything. There is no longer a Panama Canal Authority. So where could he have gone to get a copy of the document? He would have had to do without it, but we would have accepted his word that he was born where he said.

Now, Obama has posted a legal document from Hawaii. It is NOT the original, but it seems likely that he lost the original or mislaid it and so cannot post it. But the COLB from Hawaii is perfectly legal. Unless you think the government of Hawaii is lying about his place of birth and the officials were hiding something when they said that they found a birth certificate in the file. (By the way, that cannot be a birth certificate from Kenya, not only because he wasn’t born in Kenya, but because for Hawaii to issue a COLB that says “born in Honolulu” when they see a document that says “born in Kenya” is illegal for THEM to do.)

So why doesn’t he get the original now and post it? Because they continue to say that they WILL NOT SEND IT TO HIM—as I said earlier, you have their e-mail, so you can check.

And, as I said, if you still believe that Obama was born in Kenya, you can prove it or disprove it by filing a freedom of information request for any information on visas or passports on Obama in Kenya in 1961. You should specify that you are referring to the current president and not to his father who was, of course, also called Barak Obama.

David Ben-Ariel said...

He said, she said, they said, ALL this could be cleared up very easily if Obama would provide proof he is a natural born citizen. Obama has FAILED to do so and offers no explanations. Due to Obama's dark past, his murky connections, I will not give him the benefit of the doubt, as he doesn't deserve it.

The ball is in Obama's court: prove you're a natural born citizen or continue to have a cloud of suspicion hang over your head and overshadow your questionable administration.