Sunday, December 7, 2008

Gerald Flurry can't handle criticism!

From The Cyber Soap Box Web Forums

Re: Is David Ben-Ariel a Terrorist?
"Flurry's ad referred to me as "a man that the Israeli police suspects of being involved in terrorist activity." Of course, he offers no proof of it, as they never did either - because there isn't a shred of evidence to even suggest such nonsense! What is clear is that some are terrorized by the truth! So, yes, in that sense, I am a terrorist!"

not so much 'the truth' as 'diehard truth' Dave, there's a lotta folks out there preaching what they feel is God's honest to goodness truth that amount to no more than theological wind socks

That's the plain truth. But how do we know? We go by the Word, the black and white of the Scriptures, and it either confirms or denies their validity. That being said, the apostle Paul said some actually preach the truth, or parts of it, but for all the wrong reasons, but that the Word is still getting preached. Halleluyah!

Do You Prefer TRADITION Over Truth?

Is the Plain Truth Too Strong?

to oppose that majority, especially under scrutiny, is terrorizing their politically correct universe....

Since others have exposed it, I've never gone after Gerald Flurry for acting cultic in some ways, for amassing a billion lofty religious titles to himself, magnifying himself, for anointing himself as "THAT PROPHET" foretold in Scripture (which Christians know and understand refer to Jesus Christ, not Gerald Flurry), but for going backwards rather than forward (a Herbert W. Armstrong wannabe), creating his own little kingdom in Edmond, Oklahoma, instead of getting the Word out to the world as strongly as possible, not piecemeal but powerfully, not a pip squeak but a trumpet blast that grabs everybody's attention to warn the world, and for permitting the fascist minister Dennis Leap to terrorize the flock (who I've since read had a nervous breakdown and is no longer part of the PCG organization) and lord it over the other ministers and disfellowship me for writing Beyond Babylon without being a "man of stature," a minister, playing politics, when the Bible demands no such criteria.

The fact that Flurry can't handle criticism, when those who voice honest opposition to this or that doctrine in the PCG (or even question it) are put out from the organization immediately, proves he is going papal and is surounded by sycophants who fear for their lives, as if Gerald Flurry can give salvation or assure protection from the gathering Storm. Sounds like Worldwide all over again. Some folks just never learn.