Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Israel Today (Dec. 3, 2008)

To read all of today's news items in full, click here.

Israel mourns, asks tough questions after Mumbai attacks
Jewish victims laid to rest, as Israelis insist on greater cooperation in war on Islamic terror more»

Jews, Arabs attack each other in Jerusalem
Jews stab Arab man after Jewish yeshiva student beaten unconscious by Arabs; police fear extension of Hebron riots more»

Gaza mortars damage lines supplying territory with power
Israel directly supplies Gaza with 70 percent of its electriciy needs more»

Israel says no NATO troops in 'West Bank'
Statements made day after Obama chooses James Jones as NSA; Jones wants to deploy NATO to Judea-Samaria more»

Arabs crack Jewish teen's skull in Hebron
Jewish boy seriously wounded by Arabs attacking Jewish-owned house in Hebron; Arabs complain when Jews respond in kind more»

Israel pleased with Clinton as secretary of state
Believe more hawkish Clinton will offset naive Obama; Arab world less enthusiastic, sees continuation of status quo more»