Sunday, December 28, 2008

We must continue to grow in grace and knowledge

Inspiring letter from The Land Down Under:

I live in Cairns, Australia. I started reading your literature about one year ago. Although I didn't agree 100% with all you were saying , I agreed with the majority and was suitably impressed. I felt at the time , this is the sort of message God's church should be behind and it also came to my mind, this is sort of message the two witnesses of Rev. 11 would be proclaiming, or a least a big part of it.

... I first started listening to HWA in the late 50's and have believed the basic church doctrines since that time...

I started checking through the web sites to try and find where Christ was working. That was when I came across your website, I read Beyond Babylon and downloaded most of the other literature you had...

I have never written to anyone in this manner before... I agree with you that the Two Witnesses need not necessarily be ministers and from where I'm standing you have pretty good qualifications for the job. I know God has already chosen and that they will be made known to the Church and the world soon...

The true Church is set apart by truth , old truth and new truth (we must continue to grow in grace and knowledge)...

Well, David, I hope you can understand what I am trying to say here. I have to consider the possibility I have been led by the Spirit to write to you . I hope it will have a positive outcome and that we will meet sometime in the near future.

- Australia