Saturday, December 6, 2008

Sheik Palazzi comments on Beyond Babylon

Sheik Palazzi comments on Beyond Babylon

Shaykh Prof. Abdul Hadi Palazzi

Rome, Italy (6/19/2005)

Dear Mr. Ben-Ariel,
I finished reading your valuable book and appreciated its contents. I was already informed about the Worldwide Church of God and already had the opportunity to read books by Rev. Armstrong and issues of "The Plain Truth". Although from a religious point of view I obviously disagree with some of the beliefs which your Church preaches, I surely agree with your analysis of German and Vatican in creating as a new European anti-God Empire. I would like that Europeans understand what is happening under their eyes. Thank you very much for the copies you sent me. I hope many people will have the opportunity to read your book and reflect upon its contents.

All the very best,

Shaykh Prof. Abdul Hadi Palazzi Director


Cultural Institute of the Italian Islamic Community