Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Royal We

For the record: Some might misunderstand that just because I used the term "WE" in one of the FOX 25 segments on the Philadelphia Church of God (and I often employ it in articles about the Church of God), that somehow I am saying I'm a part of the PCG or whatever organization I'm writing or talking about at the time.

However, when I use the "Royal We," it is in reference to the collective Sabbath-keeping Church of God that agrees on the biblical basics, like the gospel of the Kingdom of God (the Kingdom of God-Beings to rule Earth from Jerusalem!), the seventh day Sabbath, the holy festivals and dietary laws, as well as gladly recognizing British-Israelites as Joseph.

Others might question how I can feel led by Christ against an organization they believe He also heads. I am led by Christ to expose error and encourage repentance: both in the Church and Nation. Didn't Christ head the Worldwide Church of God? Didn't He direct it? Does that mean the leaders must always follow His lead? Or in all things? If Christ truly led the PCG (and I believe He leads but Flurry doesn't always follow), they would agree what I say is biblical and stop wasting money in Edmond, Oklahoma. Tithes are not meant for a performing Arts Center! At least Mr. Armstrong had a special building fund that I used to gladly contribute to so we could pay off Ambassador Auditorium.

Didn't Yeshua say, "we Jews" when speaking to the Samaritan woman at the well? Did that mean He agreed with everything the Jews believed or the Pharisees taught? Didn't Yeshua rebuke their errors, even as He rebukes the errors of the Church of God in different eras? How does He do that but through men? Didn't He head those churches He inspired constructive criticism of?

Did John the Baptist or Jesus, or Peter, James and John, as well as Paul, oppose the religious authorities' position or their idolatrous traditions and hypocrisy, decrying their proud and stubborn refusal to repent, while still considering themselves strictly Jewish? They continued to identify with the Jewish people and religion: Paul continued to refer to himself as a Pharisee spiritually (Acts 23:6), and Peter made racial reference to the "God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of our fathers..." and called the Jews "brothers" and stressed how salvation was to begin with Jews first (Acts 3:12, 17, 26).

I do offer constructive criticism of the PCG, and others, and I believe God has inspired Beyond Babylon. The PCG never said it contradicts Scripture but wouldn't give it a proper hearing due to politics at play. Beyond Babylon's biblical truths are inspired and inspiring, although it's not a "thus saith the Lord" book, as there is no book on Earth other than the Bible that can honestly claim that. Unlike Gerald Flurry, I've never claimed an angel gave it to me, as he strangely claimed about Malachi's Message.

By the grace of God, I know who I am and what I am doing, and it is in accordance with the Word and Will of God. Whether within individual lives or the lives of leaders of organizations, just because God directs doesn't mean folks will always follow in every aspect. I believe Flurry follows in some ways and fails to in other ways. That's why God raises up individuals throughout history to take His Work to task - whether it's the priesthood, the religious authorities or the Church of God leadership today. Nothing new under the sun.