Monday, December 8, 2008

The Temple Mount Faithful is not a terrorist organization!

[T]o support the slanderous and unsubstantiated accusations, Fox 25 primarily relied on testimony from... a man that the Israeli police suspects of being involved in terrorist activity.

Well, we tried to warn them. Last night I found out that a blogger by the name of David Ben-Ariel

a little-known blogger

Our church briefly communicated with David Ben-Ariel in the early 1990s. But we quickly cut off all contact after learning about his bizarre and even radical views. In 1996, while in Israel as an active member of the Temple Mount Faithful, Ben-Ariel -whose name used to be David Hoover - was detained by Israeli police and interrogated for six hours for allegedly plotting to blow up the Al-Asqa Mosque in order to clear the way for a third Jewish temple to be built.

Israeli authorities kept Ben-Ariel in prison for several weeks during the investigation. While in jail, according to the Jerusalem Post (Feb. 1, 1996), Ben-Ariel petitioned Israel's High Court of Justice for his release while Israeli authorities decided whether to prosecute the Christian-Zionist or deport him back to the States. Ben-Ariel's request for release was denied. Soon after, he was deported

That's the kind of potentially dangerous influence our church avoids associating with

that man's troubling background

may have been part of a terrorist plot in Jerusalem

Philadelphia Church of God ministers, Messrs. Gerald and Stephen Flurry, made passing references to the Temple Mount Faithful, Israeli police and Israeli investigations of David Ben-Ariel (little ol' me), and included inflammatory false accusations of "dangerous influence" and warning FOX 25 about me. Surely the PCG understands how the charge of an Israeli investigation would unfairly prejudice readers against me.

Dangerous Ideas?

Messrs. Gerald and Stephen Flurry simply hurled that fire bomb at me in their full page ad in The Oklahoman to damage my promotional work and undermine Beyond Babylon that contains our biblical beliefs, because they're not in control - they don't call the shots - and it exposes the work that they're not doing, as effectively as they could! The Catholic Church saw to it that "heretics" were burnt at the stake and Flurry and cultic company engage in smear campaigns, character assassination, against those who dare to disagree with them!

If I had been a federal agent or Israeli agent reading their slanderous report, it certainly would have raised concerns in my mind about David Ben-Ariel. Why would the Philadelphia Church of God attempt to frighten Oklahomans against David Ben-Ariel and the Temple Mount Faithful who are both Bible believers and law-abiding?

Gershon Salomon, chairman of the Temple Mount Faithful, regularly works with the Israeli authorities in preparation, coordinating efforts in Jerusalem, for his legal demonstrations to protest ongoing religious discrimination against Christians and Jews in Israel, and as a hero from Israel's Six Day War in 1967, having helped to liberate the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Mr. Salomon is known by every Israeli and completely above ground and level-headed.

I informed the Israeli police who conducted an investigation about me, due to a controversial article published in Jerusalem (Exposing the German-Vatican Plot to Occupy Jerusalem) that includes many of the same beliefs the PCG shares, that I respected it was their duty to investigate any legitimate concerns they might have, but that they condemn themselves if after they discover my innocence (which they did, "lacking sufficient evidence" to charge or convict me of anything of the sort), they continued to treat me like some common criminal! They informed The Jerusalem Post, as reported on the front page of The Jerusalem Post (Jan. 9, 1996), they "lacked sufficient evidence..." against me.

Did you get that? It bears repeating since apparently Gerald and Stephen Flurry failed to get it or wickedly ignored it: the Israeli police informed The Jerusalem Post, as reported on the front page of The Jerusalem Post, they "lacked sufficient evidence..." against me. So why would professing Christian church leaders fail to give me the benefit of the doubt, cast aspersions on my character, and play the charade of feeling the need to distance themselves from me? Especially when they're acting so self-righteously indignant over such tactics they feel have been used against them? Doesn't that appear as sheer gall and rank hypocrisy before both God and man?

Still at Large!

As for law enforcement officials in this country, I've reported on how the FBI investigated a false accusation against me, how I welcomed them and went over and beyond being helpful by providing them complete access to my computer's hard drive without a warrant to do so, and on another occasion appreciated their support when they tracked a death threat against me to East Jerusalem.

All things considered, as a practicing Christian Zionist (nothing to be ashamed of), I forgive Messrs. Gerald and Stephen Flurry for their misleading references to me, and thank our Great Creator God, the God of the Bible, the God of Israel, for offering me this opportunity to again clear my name of all these false charges some hope to keep alive, hateful opponents of the plain truth of the Bible and history that I dare to share. Perhaps the PCG can help to make amends with the maligned Temple Mount Faithful by writing an objective article about them in The Philadelphia Trumpet magazine and/or offering a generous donation to their biblical cause.

Gerald Flurry's Outrageous Attack Against David Ben-Ariel

Is David Ben-Ariel a Terrorist?
From Toledo to Jerusalem
