Monday, December 22, 2008

Is this racist?

Re: Will Germany Launch a Nuclear Attack on America?

As a realist, I'm as "racist" as the Bible teaches us to be

Submitted by David Ben-Ariel on Mon, 2008-12-22.

1. David Ben-Ariel calls for racial segregation and for blacks to return to Africa

Is that racist? If it's racist, is it wrong? If it's wrong, says who and why? Didn't president-elect Obama faithfully attend an Afro-centric church that believes the same, as well as Louis Farrakhan and many other black brothers? (Even though they apparently don't like to practice what they preach).

2. David Ben-Ariel claims Africa is a "chocolate continent" created by God where blacks belong

That comment was based upon New Orlean Mayor Nagin's comment about his city being a "Chocolate City." Was that racist too? Oh my! Where's your outcry? Do you exercise double standards? Are you racist against whites to prove how you're not racist to non-whites?

3.David Ben-Ariel claims races and nations need to be relocated within boundaries God has set.

The ethnocentric Bible teaches that, so if that's racist - I'm glad to be as racist as God! No apologies there, no sirree...

4. David Ben-Ariel claims blacks and other "militant minorities" belong under benevolent white Israelite rule..

Only in our White Israelite nations. Haven't they proved it's necessary? Are you in denial of this plain truth? It's unnatural for blacks to rule in White Israelite inheritances, whether it's South Africa (going to hell in a handbasket) or raped Rhodesia now Zimbabwe ruins or Obama, that fraud and foreigner, about to occupy the White House. Think about it and be honest with yourself.

Furthermore, have you visited South Africa or "Zimbabwe?" I was blessed to visit South Africa and "Zimbabwe" before the ANC rot began to set in and the famine struck occupied Rhodesia (due to racist theft of farms from the whites who worked them and produced food), spending three of my seven weeks in Africa with colored friends in Cape Town.