Sunday, December 7, 2008

Philadelphia Church of God minister's review of Beyond Babylon

Review of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall by a Philadelphia Church of God minister (before his "superiors" yanked his chain):

"Oh, how I admire those with both the ability to write as well as the courage to put down their ideas on paper! I felt that you have a very gripping style of writing that uses twists and slants of words or phrases to make your point. I looked up every scripture you referenced and it became clear that you have really spent a lot of time in your Bible. Being Jewish, I think, gives you an added perspective that I could never have... "

- Wayne Turgeon (son-in-law of Gerald Flurry, Pastor General of the Philadelphia Church of God)


Anonymous said...

Come on Benny you know you should have put a date on that comment. It borderlines dishonesty on your part.
Once again I tell you I agree with you mostly, and once again I warn you that Flurry started well and got too cocky or rich or something and then became what he is. You so eager to follow his example?

David Ben-Ariel said...

Charles or is it Charlie? My name is David, not Benny.
How many dates do you read in the Bible? Besides, I don't know if I have a date for that correspondence with Wayne Turgeon. Would a date change anything? The point I'm making, the principles I'm referring to, stay the same. As I write in Philadelphia Church of God Leads Laodicean Era (Conclusion) - What's BEWILDERING to me is the different responses I've received from several of God's ministers who have read Beyond Babylon -- towards it and me -- before and after Dennis Leap's PARTIAL review! (Malachi 2:9).

Why are you so rash in your judgment? I'm "cocky" for not putting a date on something? Who do you think you are? Your "warnings" are unwarranted.

Anonymous said...

Who me? Nobody in particular. I call you Benny just to prick at your pride a bit (and for some reason you remind me of a friend who was named Benny). Seems all the church of Goders have a bit too much of it. You call me Charlie if you want. I have certainly been called worse. If my warnings are unwarrented then what is the harm? If they are warrented then perhaps I have been some small help. Honestly I am surprised you bothered to post and reply to my comments. Let me be more specific: When people read the post it implies a new update on the PCG situation rather than something that happened years ago. It is a good advertisement -though misleading. You don't have riches or a church of thousands but you can have your honesty. I don't think you can have your honesty and pride though. No one can really. Of course this point is probably small and small and unimportant as the names of two different mountains in Israel. Think on it and good luck in your work.

David Ben-Ariel said...

Pick at my pride? So you had already prejudged me and then deliberately worked to be provocative? Who do you work for? Actually, I've been called far worse than Benny and usually just ignore it, but you might be surprised at how some read right over DAVID.

It's apples and oranges to foolishly compare your set up, your straw man, your prejudice, with the important names of biblical mountains that Gerald Flurry kept mistakenly, not maliciously, confusing. God inspires specific names for a reason and purpose, as even a simple Bible study reveals.

As for "misleading," would you accuse Jesus Christ of being misleading when Yeshua said the Kingdom of God was near? Or would you understand God is in the details that we're to seek and find?

If folks honestly wondered if the PCG - whom Wayne Turgeon doesn't officially represent - had repented and changed their attitude toward Beyond Babylon, all they would have to do is ask.

Anonymous said...

I've been reading your work for years so there isn't anything prejudged about it. I don't work for anyone - well except for a telecommunications company which has nothing to do with any church. I know all about your name change and if you want to call yourself David then why would I care? I think you have me confused with someone who actually attends the PCG. I most certainly do not. I tithed to them a while then called a minister. I wasn't impressed with him or his church. They have a lot of stuff right but as you yourself have pointed out they have stuff wrong as well. IE: I have no straw man or setup or prejudice as you have accused me. You seem to think that you are above a little critcism and above Flurry and apparently above everyone else. It is only when a man realizes that his heart is a curse that he can come to repentance. There is none good only God. You know all that already because I am pretty sure you have said such things about Flurry - and rightfully so. They apply to you and me as well. I am not trying to provoke you I am talking to you with a bit of humor that perhaps you don't see and are taking as provoking. It is easy for pride to put scales on ones eyes and make oneself self righteous. You are doing a good work here Benny and have been fighting the good fight for a long time but every since the Fox episode you have gotten prideful and puffed up. You can tell me I don't know what I am talking about if you want but I speak to you like a friend here not an enemy. Once again, David, good luck to you and your work.

David Ben-Ariel said...

"Put off jesting" says the Scriptures - so you can keep your condescending "humor." Perhaps it makes you feel important to pontificate about real or imagined pride in others. God knows. What I know is whether or not I am "proud" or "puffed up" - or whether or not you agree with any or all of what I believe - is IRRELEVANT to the plain truth of the Bible and history that I dare to share. I prefer to leave attitudes to God, for the most part (since He alone truly knows the heart), and address tangible issues, concrete cases, black and white situations, facts on the ground (not feelings) like whether or not millions should be spent in Edmond, Oklahoma rather than getting the Word out to the world (becoming a household word, our beliefs well known), or encouraging the Church of God to speak the plain truth, sharing what we believe without holding back or always using euphemisms like "the English-speaking nations" (White Israelites) or "pre-Christian customs" (pagan) or insisting someone must be a minister of this or that specific group before writing a book (or for any church magazine or literature to even make mention of it, although all freely quote from secular sources, articles, books). Of course, if you honestly feel otherwise, convinced in your own mind, then feel free to pray about it. Good day!